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    Thread: Tendonitis. @#$%#&!!

    1. #1
      Frost's Avatar
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      Default Tendonitis. @#$%#&!!

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      • Tendonitis. @#$%#&!!
      • Tendonitis. @#$%#&!!
      • Tendonitis. @#$%#&!!
      • Tendonitis. @#$%#&!!
      I've been having really bad pain right in the middle of my left forearm on the side of the ulna whenever i lift. Well it started just before christmas, so i decided to take xmass off and get back into it in the new year and when i got back into it it came back full blown. when i say paid it is a serious understatement. it feels like i blocked someone trying to hit me in the head with a baseball bat with my forearm. and the pain is twice as worse just when i let the weight go. it then proceeds to hurt for a few days and goes away , that is to say if i dont work out for those days. it hurts a bit too when i press on my forearm as well.

      anyways so i went to an orthopedic surgeaon/ sports doctor and he said it was mostlikely tendinitis. which is what i think it is. cuz ive been asking around. it seems to be a common thing. anyways he wants me to go to physio for 6 weeks!

      he said i would have to do exactly what the physio therapist told me too and i couldnt continue to workout while i did.
      now i know the physio guys is gonna have me doing stupid 6 year old girl exercises like rubbing a cloth against a wall, lifting 5lbs, or sqeezing some stupid ball for 6 weeks.

      i just wanted to know if any of you guys had this problem and what did you do. Should i continue working out and screw physio?or should i stop all exercising and do what he says?

      i just did tris today and my arm hurts but not that bad, because i went light and high vol. which i can hardly feel at all.---i'm sure it will burn a bit in the morn.

      all the info and opinions on your own experiences woould be apreciated. Loco, i know you had some tendinitis probs a few months back.

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    2. #2
      MYRICK's Avatar
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      ive had it b4 what i did was get an elbow wrap if u keep it warm it cuts down on the pain and try something like icy hot

    3. #3
      Stackt's Avatar
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      I have joint pain in my elbow probably tendonitis too ! Well I used glucosamine / ghrondatin and its been helping me . The first set that I do wit tricept overhand dumbbell it kinda hurts a bit , but the 2nd and rest it gets better it seems like you have warmup a bit to get it goin . I heard that doing cardio before workingout also helps to get the blood flowing .
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    4. #4
      swolegreaser's Avatar
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      G/C/MSM combo will work, also try getting some MSM cream so u can rub it directly to the elbow. I have hip pain and they said its tendinitis but i take that combo with the msm cream and it feels better, i also put it on my knee cuz i have patella tendinitis as well and i put some of that cream on and it helps. u can get it at any nutritional stores.

    5. #5
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      swolegreaser what are all those things?

      could you give the names instead of the abreviations please

      heh thanks a lot
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    6. #6
      swolegreaser's Avatar
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      no prob bro,
      G = glucosime
      C = chondriton
      MSM pill and cream.

      It's explained up there I thought u would put 2 and 2 together lol, but like i said take that combo works best together.
      1500mg G
      1200mg C
      1000mg MSM

      Than u can buy some MSM cream and apply directly to the elbow. Thats what i do for my hip, it works well.

    7. #7
      nmk85roll's Avatar
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      G and C can be bought anywhere, even at GNC

      (Get it... G and C....GNC)

      I'm tired...

    8. #8
      Frost's Avatar
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      hey swolegreaser , sorry to botha you bro, but what is MSM?

      heh prolly dumb Q but, well someone has to ask them

      thanks a lot for the help guys.
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    9. #9
      alrom999's Avatar
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      dude. is the pain inner elbow (golfers ) or outer (tennis) ive had both and every conceivable therapy including surgery.

    10. #10
      JR420's Avatar
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      Frost I had the same thing happen to me! It sounds like something that I had also. My forearm hurt so bad and the pain would get worse when I would let go of the weight. Then the pain would be there all week. I went to my doctor and I am honest with him about what I do so he checked it out and told me that my tendons have not caught up to my muscle growth and that is why it hurt so bad! It takes tendons twice as long to catch up with muscle and strenght gains! It will go away in a few months I just worked out through the pain. It sucked but I guess that is all part of the game.

    11. #11
      swolegreaser's Avatar
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      Frost here you go F&Q about msm, found it on a search of msm.

      1. What is MSM?

      (Methylsulfonylmethane) - is a naturally occurring sulfur compound found within our bodies. It is a safe and natural, assimilable food derived from the ocean. MSM is neither a medicine, drug, chemical, herb, stimulant, synthetic food or additive. It is a member of the sulfur family but should never be confused with sulfa drugs, to which some people are allergic. It is completely safe, odorless, and non-toxic. A 160 pound man has approximately 4 pounds of sulfur as body weight. MSM is a natural organic compound. It occurs naturally in the foods we eat but disappears when we process our food.

      2. Where does MSM come from?

      MSM is a naturally occurring, sulfur containing organic compound found primarily in fresh fruits and vegetables and in every cell of the human body. MSM is found in raw vegetables including broccoli, peppers, brussel sprouts, onions, asparagus and cabbage. The highest natural concentration of MSM is found in mammal's milk. MSM is an organic compound and commercial MSM is a pure, simple molecule that is indistinguishable from a molecule of MSM found in nature. MSM is derived from DMSO. MSM occurs when DMSO is oxidized. MSM is a naturally occurring compound found in significant amounts in nerve tissue, skin, hair and joints.

      3. Why use MSM instead of DMSO?

      DMSO causes some side effects such as reddening and itching of the skin, nasal congestion, shortness of breath, excess intestinal gas, and allergic reactions. DMSO has a strong sulfur odor resulting in a garlic smell. None of the side effects are dangerous just unpleasant. MSM is safe and odorless and does not have the side effects as DMSO. However, one property of DMSO when applied externally acts as a powerful carrier for other substances, including toxic ones. These substances are carried into the body through the skin and mucous membranes, where they can do damage. DMSO is sold from commercial outlets mainly for industrial and animal use only and should always be handled with care.

      4. Who discovered MSM?

      MSM was discovered by two doctors. Stanley Jacob, MD. of the Oregon Health Sciences University in Portland and his associate, Robert Herschler, a research chemist for a paper manufacturing company. They both concluded that MSM is the main healing element of DMSO. Their research revealed that MSM, or methylsulfonylmethane, is a natural sulfur compound found in all living things. It is actually one of the most prominent compounds in our bodies, just behind water and sodium. However, in his research, Dr. Jacob determined that the sulfur in MSM, called sulfonyl, is as safe and as important as Vitamin C in our diet, unlike the bad sulfurs, sulfas, sulfites and sulfides.

      5. What happens if my body does not get enough sulfur?

      Sulfur is found naturally in the human body. Sulfur is stored in every cell of the body. Your body won't be able to repair or replace damaged tissue fast enough. If this occurs, the body compensates by producing abnormal cells that may lead to illness and disease. You will also experience a sensitivity to pain. Sulfur deficiencies are also associated with gastrointestinal problems, a poor immune system, arthritis, and rheumatism, memory loss and acne. It can also lead to brittle nails and hair, dermatological problems and dry skin.

      6. What are the available forms of MSM?

      MSM comes in forms of capsules, crystals, flakes, powder, tablets, lotion and gel. Their is no difference in either form for they are all the same product. Just different forms. I do not sell creams or gels for I feel they are not as effect for their is too little amount of msm in those products and they are mixed with a lot of other things .

      7. How much MSM should I take and in what form?

      You should take whatever form is convenient for you. You should always take the least possible amount of msm that gives you the relief you desire. Drink lots of water with msm. For first time users of MSM, it is better to take with meals to help prevent heartburn. First time users start at a low level and build up. Try 500 -1000 mg (eighth to a quarter teaspoon) per day. Take it for that way for one week then increase it another a little more. Once you have taken it a long time you will be able to take it without food. The recommended dosage is 2,000 to 6,000 mg. per day. Please be aware that a single dose of MSM will not help! The recommended dosage for a person weighing 150 lbs. should begin by taking 1/2 teaspoon once in the morning and mid afternoon. MSM needs to be taken for at least 1-2 weeks or even up to two month before you may see results. When MSM is taken by mouth with meals whether it be capsule, crystal, flake, powder or tablet form, the body will distribute MSM where it is needed. The precise dose of MSM is not really that critical. For the first week or two, larger doses of MSM may be needed to compensate for an extreme deficiency and depending on your situation .


      There's the link as well.

    12. #12
      34pumped's Avatar
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      bro i had it bad in my shoulder and i take glucosamine/chondroitin/msm and it went away in 3 weeks ...still take it and no pain..helped me bigtime

    13. #13
      Frost's Avatar
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      holy shit, thanks a lot guys for all the help. online is the best place for help with these kind of specific problems because you have a much larger audience.
      i ask a trainer at my gym and he said is was probably a pinched nerve. he must be ISSA certified

      thanks very much swolegreaser for the help. JR420 it sounds like we have the exact same injury. i'll try workin through it.

      talk to ya all later.
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    14. #14
      swolegreaser's Avatar
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      no prob...

    15. #15
      zozer7's Avatar
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