
Pro-hormones are precursors of certain natural or synthetic anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS). They are often referred to as 'natural' alternatives to AAS. Prohormones are converted into their target anabolic steroids in the body by enzymes and therefore carry many of same characteristics as the hormone they convert to. However, there is limit to how much of these substances can be enzymatically converted and, as a result, their effects are not as strong as an actual anabolic androgenic steroid.

Dehydroepiandrostenone (DHEA) and androstenedione (andro) are earlier prohormones which are not commonly used anymore, mainly because of their ineffectiveness, hence will not be discussed in this article.

The following are the most common Pro-Hormones on the UK market at the moment. Of course, they may not always be marketed under their name below.

1-Test & 1-AD
1-testosterone (17beta-hydroxy-5alpha-androst-1-en-3-one) is a steroid that is known as a 'double bond isomer' of the steroid testosterone. 1-AD (1-androstenediol, 1-androstene-3beta, 17beta-diol) is an oral prohormone that is converted to 1-testosterone by the enzyme 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and has significant oral activity.

Being a 5alpha-reduced androgen (a dihydrotestosterone (DHT) derivative), 1-test does not aromatize to oestrogens, unlike testosterone. This means that the risk of gynecomastia is low, and that water retention side effects are vastly reduced compared to other prohormones.

It is due to 1-testosterone's double bond isomer structure that 1-test is resistant to liver breakdown and is termed as 'orally active'.

Stacking 1-test with other prohormones may also be of value. The most common stack is with the testosterone precursor 4-AD. This stack will allow for a little extra size due to the water retaining properties of testosterone, and also might help minimize any loss of libido from the use of 1-AD alone. The precursor of the anabolic steroid nandrolone, 19-Nordiol is also often stacked with 1-test for similar reasons.

Side effects from 1-testostorone products can include:

Gastric upset - this can be relieved by consuming 1-test with a meal
Irritation while urinating - this can be avoided by making sure plenty of fluids are consumed
Lowered libido - this can be partially avoided by stacking the 1-AD with a 4-AD product
Lethargy - this can be partially avoided by again using 4-AD. Caffeine may also help due to it being a stimulant
Skin rash - this happens to a very small percentage of users and usually during the hot weather months
Increased appetite - this is just a response to your body wanting to grow
Insomnia - This can be partially avoided by taking your last dose earlier in the day
Acne - this is an androgenic side effect. Wash well and use a cleanser like Plexion
Acceleration of male pattern baldness - in susceptible individuals this can be a concern. If this runs in your family be aware of this
4-androstenediol (4-AD, 4-Diol) is a prohormone that is naturally found in the body and converts to testosterone (via the 3beta-HSD enzyme). 4-AD is a particularly anabolic prohormone, resulting in over 300% more conversion to testosterone than andro.
4-AD itself cannot convert to oestrogen and DHT making it a very popular pro-hormone. However, some androgenic or oestrogenic side effects can occur as a result of the conversion of the target hormone testosterone to oestrogen and DHT. Yet it is due to these side effects that 4-AD is commonly stacked with other prohormones, to help reduce the low testosterone and estrogen side effects (including loss of libido and lethargy) that they can cause. The most common substances that are stacked with 4-AD are 1-test/1-AD and 19-Nordiol.

The most common delivery methods for 4-AD are in oral capsule form, sublingual (beneath the tongue) and transdermal; the latter probably being the most effective method.

19-norandrostenediol (19-diol, 19-Nordiol) is a prohormone which converts to the anabolic hormone 19-nortestosterone (nandrolone). Like 4-diol this is also a very anabolic substance, with almost 100% more conversion to nandrolone than the older dione version. This can lead to gains in strength and muscle and also increased recovery times. 19-diol is also very long-lasting in the body and as a result doses can be spread out over a longer period in the day.

19-Nordiol does not convert to oestrogens or DHT prior to conversion. As nandrolone is the target hormone there is only a 20% conversion to DHT afterwards. This means that androgenic side effects, including hair loss and prostate enlargement are much less.

The most common delivery methods for 4-AD are oral capsule form and transdermal (which is probably the most effective method).