Elbow Injuries
Tennis elbow
Pain on the outside of the elbow

Entrapment of the radial nerve
The symptoms of radial nerve entrapment are very similar to those of tennis elbow.

Entrapment of the ulnar nerve
Pain on the inside of the elbow

Bursitis of the elbow (student elbow)
Painful swelling at the back of the elbow.

Golfers / Throwers elbow
Pain on the inside of the elbow.

Inflammation of the biceps tendon
Pain at the front of the elbow

Inflammation and rupture of the triceps tendon
Pain at the back of the elbow where the triceps muscle attaches.

Elbow Hyperextension Injury
Elbow sprain caused by bending the joint back the wrong way.

Medial Elbow Ligament Sprain
Sprain to the medial collateral ligaments.

Elbow Dislocation
Can be a complete dislocation or a subluxation of either the Radius, Ulna or both!