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    Thread: T3...

    1. #1
      EQLgearstud's Avatar
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      when should i start noticing the affects of the T3.

    2. #2
      iamdwalrus's Avatar
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      Which effects are we talking about? Fat burning(losing weight) or increase in BT?

    3. #3
      jack hust's Avatar
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      it depends on your diet and cardio but if you got them down 2-3 weeks to see a real diff depending on dosage

    4. #4
      MUCH BIGGER's Avatar
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      Based on your dosing I would feel the effects in about 3 weeks, but we are all different and T-3 may effect you differently. You are using a few other things with it so it would be difficult to tell when it does kick in.
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    5. #5
      EQLgearstud's Avatar
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      cool......i've got my diet down i think here's the link to view it https://www.fitnessgeared.com/forum/s...?threadid=8399 . my dosing is in my signature. I was thinking 20-30min. of cardio 3 times a week....

    6. #6
      prolangtum's Avatar
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      Hey bro, arent you still in HS? I wouldnt think your thryoid output is so low you would want to screw with it now. A good diet, and cardio should do the trick, especially if your on gear. What are you gonna be using when your 30 years old?
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    7. #7
      EQLgearstud's Avatar
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      i doesn't screw it up if you do it right....

    8. #8
      prolangtum's Avatar
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      Yes, thank you for the advice, I know that. But, just looking at your sig, what kindof doses are you going to be running 10 years from now? I have cycled for 6 years, and your doses look like a pretty good sized cycle for me. I have never even used T3, it is kind of a last resort type thing. I would rather diet, and use clen than T3, i dont care how much protein you eat, if cals are restricted, some muscle loss is inevitable.
      I eat at least 6 times a day to build my body
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    9. #9
      AustinTX's Avatar
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      Originally posted by EQLgearstud
      i doesn't screw it up if you do it right....
      Your T3 dosing is not right.

      You don't have a slow taper down. You should spend 10% ramping up 40% at max, and 50% ramping down.

    10. #10
      EQLgearstud's Avatar
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      there was a post about this a while back, you don't have to taper it....

    11. #11
      AustinTX's Avatar
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      Originally posted by EQLgearstud
      there was a post about this a while back, you don't have to taper it....
      Whoever said you don't have to taper is sorely mistaken. I suggest you do some research on BigAndy, Cycleon or Billy Bathgate's T3 dosing schedules.

      You don't have to taper for recovery of natural production, the permanent shutdown is a myth, but you will crash afterwards if you don't since it can take 6-8 weeks for natural production to fully resume and you can easily gain back more than you lost.

    12. #12
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      I don't know Cycleon, but saw that he has posted here recently. GearedUp also posted cyc's tapering schedule back in December on this board.

      Billy_Bathgate posts here and is a mod at BB4Life recommends:
      10% time spent tapering up
      30% at max dose
      60% tapering down

      BigAndy's are in several places, but there's lots of stuff on it here

    13. #13
      EQLgearstud's Avatar
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      This study might explain what I'm getting at since articulation has taken a leave of me.
      PMID: 6407102 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


      2: Metabolism 1975 Jun;24(6):691-4 Related Articles, Links

      The time course of changes in TRH responsiveness in man following a single dose of liothyronine.

      Azizi F, Vagenakis AG, Ingbar SH, Braverman LE.

      The serum thyrotropin (TSH) response to thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH, 100 mug i.v.) was evaluated prior to and at various times following the oral administration of single doses of liothyronine (100 mug) given at weekly intervals. The TSH response to TRH was mildly depressed when TRH was given 1 hr after liothyronine administration when the serum triiodothyronine (T3) concentration was strikingly elevated, was markedly reduced 16 and 24 hr after liothyronine, was essentially abolished 3 days after liothyronine when the serum T3 concentration was normal, and was normal 7 days after liothyronine administration. These findings suggest that the more prolonged suppression of TRH responsiveness, observed following the withdrawal of long-term excess endogenous or exogenous thyroid hormones, cannot be ascribed to the intrinsic duration of action of the hormone present at the time of withdrawal, but rather to the prolonged extent of the suppression itself.

    14. #14
      AnotherUser's Avatar
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      Jeeze, I wish I started juicing in H.S. Kinda get a head start You're going to be one jacked mofo with that cycle.

    15. #15
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      Originally posted by AnotherUser
      Jeeze, I wish I started juicing in H.S. Kinda get a head start You're going to be one jacked mofo with that cycle.
      , i wish i started when i still play football.....

      <------------would have torn shit up

      i'm thinking about taking up Lax when i get into college

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