had an appointment with my doc for some minor issue requiring a look before a possible referral and she did the usual bp and 3rd degree about still on aas? curious about something. every cycle in the last few years has been about the same, test, either prop or cyp, spme winny, some tren and in summer t3 thrown in. bp always on the higher side 130 to 140 over 90ish. one particularly bad day (stress and shyt) and it was 150 over 100. the diet almost same every cycle, cardio as well. the only difference this cycle is i have been on gh since the cycle started. the nurse took the bp when she was doing the prelim exam and it was 130 over 60. when the doc came in she took it again as usual and got 110 over 80. being that the only variable in this cycle not in usual cycles is the gh. any input on wether you guys think it has bp lowering effects or perhaps it helps out with blood vessel health and causes less pressuer? interested in the opinions.