Biden? Invisible? No-one Paying Attention...And Palin Taking BO's Limelight!


I haven't heard anything about Biden virtually since they announced he was the VP nominee. He is not getting any attention at all. What is his function? Thus far, since Palin was announced as Republican VP candidate, the media has been obsessed with her 24/7. Biden vs. Palin: no match.

I am sure this is in part why Obama chose Biden - he knew the media would have ZERO interest in Biden, therefore BO wouldn't have to compete for attention - he'd have all the limelight to himself. BO never wants to share they stage, that's why he couldn't bear the idea of having HC as VP (and thank heavens for that). I am guessing though he never factored in the possibility of coming up against an opponent (SP) that would get MORE attention than him??!!!

No wonder the Dems are scared - Obama's candidacy is 100% dependent on blanket media coverage - competing for the media's gaze was not part of the plan I am sure. Yes, much of the media's attention on Palin is "negative", but it still means less attention for BO & this is potentially catastrophic for his campaign!