Bush Plays Down Iraq Political Disputes

WASHINGTON - President Bush, on a day of political turmoil in Baghdad, acknowledged Tuesday that Iraqis are divided over the future of their country but said the differences "will be resolved through debate and persuasion instead of force and intimidation."

"The free people of Iraq are now doing what Saddam Hussein never could: making Iraq a positive example for the entire Middle East," Bush said in remarks in the Rose Garden. He spoke to an audience of Iraqi law students, members of the religious community and others.

In Baghdad, the fledgling parliament failed to agree on who would be its speaker in a chaotic session that exposed deep divides among the National Assembly's Shiite, Sunni and Kurdish members who were elected Jan. 30.

Bush called Tuesday's session "another step on the road to a free society" and said the United States looks forward to working with the government that emerges.

"Iraq's new leaders are determined that the government of a free Iraq will be representative of their country's diverse population," Bush said

The president said the National Assembly "includes people and parties with differing visions for the future of their country. In a democratic Iraq these differences will be resolved through debate and persuasion instead of force and intimidation."

As of Monday, 1,527 members of the U.S. military have died since the beginning of the Iraq war in March 2003, according to an Associated Press count. Bush said Iraqi security forces were taking on greater responsibility in the fight against insurgents and terrorists.

He said 145,000 Iraqis "have been trained and are serving courageously across Iraq" and in recent weeks had taken the lead in offensive operations in places like Baghdad, Mosul and Samarra.

"We will continue to train Iraqis so they can take responsibility for the security of their country," Bush said. "And then our forces will come home with the honor they've earned.