Resveatrol is the compound responsible for what is commonly referred to as the “French Paradox.” This paradox has been noted on many news documentary programs and has increased the selling value of red wine and grape juice. It involves the strange relationship between the amount of wine commonly consumed in French culture and the evidence of lowered risk of heart disease among the French.

Resveratrol is commonly found in red grapes and wine as well as pine trees and peanuts. It has been used in Asian cultures for many years for the purposes of treating heart problems as well as disorders of the liver.

The many benefits of resveratrol include antioxidant properties; which means it is capable of ridding the body of dangerous and harmful free radicals that might eventually lead to the development of cancer. It is also thought to be capable of actually killing cancer cells that have already developed. Additionally, resveratrol is beneficial in protecting the central nervous system, regulating hormones and acting as a blood thinning agent.

Further benefits of resveratrol include reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, especially when combined with Vitamin E and Vitamin C. Early studies indicate that resveratrol may also have uses in therapeutic treatment of post stroke care as well as injury and trauma related to the spine and central nervous system.

Recent studies also indicate that resveratrol may even play a critical role in expanding the length of life spans.

Finally, it is believed that resveratrol may be crucial in preventing certain kinds of cancer, especially breast cancer, and reducing the risk of cancers spreading into bones.

Since this compound works as a blood thinning agent, individuals who are already taking anti-coagulants should be very cautious about inducing supplemental forms of this nutrient into their daily regimen without first speaking with their physician.

While it is always best to obtain nutrients and vitamins from natural food sources, when there are severe deficiencies or it is not possible to obtain vitamins from dietary means, supplements can be a great way to introduce these much needed nutrients into the body.