Olive leaf extract has been used in various Mediterranean cultures for hundreds of years. The extract is taken from the Mediterranean Olive tree, known to have a natural defense against insects, parasites and bacteria. Olive leaf compounds were used in the traditional Egyptian mummification process as well as for medicinal purposes in many cultures, such as treating fevers. The reputation of olive leaf as a natural medical benefit stems from the fact that individuals living in the Mediterranean area who consumer large amounts of olives and olive related products are known to have less incidences of heart disease as well as certain cancers.

These benefits of olive leaf extract are thought to come from the substantial amounts of fatty acids contained within the olive. Monounsaturated fatty acids are thought to reduce bad cholesterol levels and shield the heart from the buildup of dangerous plaque. Additional research has shown that olive leaf extract also contains the ability to kill bacteria and offset the effects of many types of viruses. Historically, olive leaf has been used for known benefits such as increasing the body’s own natural immune system; lowering blood pressure and blood sugar, while raising energy levels.

Due to the fact that olive leaf works as cleanser throughout the body, one of the more common side effects that may be experienced when first using the product is a sense of detoxification as the body rids itself of dangerous particles. The detoxification effects often results in a temporary sense of symptoms associated with the flu such as headaches, lethargy, diarrhea and body aches. There are no known long-term side effects related to the use of olive leaf.

Since olives have a tendency to be high in sodium due to the way they are processed and packaged, olive leaf extract is a good choice for individuals interested in obtaining the benefits without the extra salt. Consumers interested in purchasing olive leaf extract for medicinal benefits should look for products that contain oleuropein, the active ingredient in olive leaf. Products that contain higher amounts of oleuropein are better and will produce better and stronger medicinal benefits.