I think my girlfriend is the biggest drama queen EVER and being with her for nearly two years I ask myself WHAT THE FOOOOOOOOK AM I DOING WITH HER...she's smart...beautiful...and everything else you could ask for yet again... she is so stubborn... she is so dramatic..and makes a big deal out of everything...well NO MISSY...I AM DA FOOKING BOSS...OR HIT THE HIGHWAY...

If I'm to tired to talk to her and want to go to bed or don't speak to her on the phone often she gets MAD...well WTF do you have to call me 7 times..and just be quiet on the phone... last night i came from working out...and she called...i told her i had to take a shower..she told me...dont call for the rest of the night...well ok...fook you I didn't. she thinks she can run this ****...FOOK NO... so now.. she complains about me getting bigger, just being obsessed with my body...going to the GYM too much...eating clean..and tons of food...what the fook is her business how much i eat and how much time i spend in the gym...hell its sure better than doing drugs or gettin drunk every weekend..

this girl has totally lost her fooking mind...