Falsodex is an estrogen receptor antagonist, which has no agonist effects at all. What it does is downregulates Estrogen Receptors (kinda like how Clen DownRegulates your beta receptors....so you get decreased effects from the stuff). Basically, it binds to the Estrogen Receptor more strongly then Tamoxifen, but still has no estrogen agonist effects.

The resultant down regulation of your Estrogen Receptors from the use of Falsodex results in decreased expression of the Progesterone Receptor as well! Tamoxifen, as we all know, can increase the sides from progesteronic drugs because of an increase in progesterone receptor expression. You can take Falsodex as both an anti-estrogen and an anti-progestin. You do not need to buy Arimidex (or similar drugs), and Bromocriptine!

Falsodex is administered via an IM injection of 250mgs once per month! And at that dose, it has have most if not all of the same estrogen lowering effects of 1mg/day of Arim or 2.5mgs per day of Letrozole, but has the added benefits of lowering progesterone receptor expression.