One thing I don't understand about our laws concerning steroids is:

Steroids is put in all our foods to make them bigger,rounder etc.
and as we've all read and heard about steroids is that they cause cancer,internal bleeding,heart attacks,vomitting,shrinkage of groin,acne etc.,so why does the gov't allow this without our choice?

I think you know where I am coming with this.

If steroids does all the damaging things claimed,then shouldn't it be up to us to decide whether that should be in our foods or not?

Think about it for a moment,steroids being used in our foods has nothing to do with medical use,and neither does it for bodybuilders wanting to use steroids to get bigger,and more cut.

My point:

The law says steroids not used for medical reasons is illegal,then why are roids allowed in the foods we eat?

Having steroids in all the food you buy is not using steroids for medical reasons,yet it is illegal for someone who is interested in bulking up to take steroids out of his/her choice,makes absolutely no sense.

If you have any other reasons why you think steroid use being illegal makes no sense please let everyone know.

The law calls steroids users,"steroid abusers",what in the heck do they think they are then,by having steroids put in the meat,and vegetables among other foods we eat?

To me that's a form of abusing steroids too,they use steroids to make a profit,by making our cows fatter so they can produce more milk and they can sell more meat,and with the vegetables they use steroids,so the vegetables look healthier and to get more vegetables.On top of all that steroids in the food we eat,many vegetables and fruits have been planted with fertalizer which can also be very harmful.

This makes them worse then anyone one who decides to use steroids for their personal reasons.

At least with bodybuilder their is a choice of whether to take steroids or not,with the steroids,fertalizer and other chemicals used in our foods,we have no choice.

Only now do they have organic foods,but that only means no chemicals or fertalizer was used,it however doesn't mean no steroids was used.