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    Thread: The mask enforcement rule And people losing their mind

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      Default The mask enforcement rule And people losing their mind

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      • The mask enforcement rule And people losing their mind

      • The mask enforcement rule And people losing their mind
      • The mask enforcement rule And people losing their mind
      • The mask enforcement rule And people losing their mind
      • The mask enforcement rule And people losing their mind
      • The mask enforcement rule And people losing their mind
      • The mask enforcement rule And people losing their mind
      This was something Fuzo and I were talking about. Thought I’d share my reply with you guys. The insanity in the country has had me bouncing between rage and hopelessness at where the country is being forced to go. This was a response to Fuzo saying how stupid it is forcing masks on people and my agreeing:

      The stores depend on the staff enforcing it. After having to wear an SA mask through the grocery store yesterday in one city over we grabbed some stuff in my hometown and no one was enforcing it so we didn’t wear one. Then I went to another city on the other side of mine for liquor store. On the way got pulled over by a cop. Idiot was in unmarked car going 28 in a 35 zone so when he turned at the traffic light the guy in front of me and I both pinned it to get through the yellow light. It was red a split second before I got through. Idiot cop is already done with his turn, cuts off the people going through the green to light me up and pull me over. Old cop yelling wtf do you realize we are in a covid emergency in this state? If you had gotten T-Boned at the light you know where you’d be? On your way to Cooley-Dickinson Hospital!! Hand him my license and registration and waited thinking “dude....you’re worried I would have to go to a hospital like it’s a death knell? A day after the governor basically did an infomercial for going to the hospital because there is plenty of room and absolutely nothing to be afraid of at the hospital.” Just stayed cool and calm and he came back all self righteous saying I know people are tense right now but we all have to do our part. We can’t be speeding and such, we’re all in this together ya know, I’m giving you a $25 ticket for going through the light instead of the $155 I could have given you by statute. I just kept giving him the 1000 yard stare saying yes sir, ok sir, yes sir. Then I proceeded to the liquor store (getting back to my story) and was so pissed this cop pulled me over to lecture me about covid that I looked at the sign about wearing the mask and walked right in without one like i owned the place and got my moonshine and strolled over to the hard seltzer for the wife, spent a few minutes deciding what to get her, passed a few customers who looked at me like a villain and a few employees who looked at me like nah, I ain’t saying shit to this guy, paid through the bulletproof though not virus proof glass and left. Once home I saw a story on how Stop&Shop supermarkets are not going to enforce the mask rule on people who don’t wear one. That’ll piss of gov Charlie Baker as Stop&Shop is like the grocery store of the state and they’re thumbing their nose at him. Bay State Medical Center released numbers yesterday, they did 5000 covid tests last week, 4000 came back negative. People need to open the state. Tucker Carlson’s piece (shared it on FB) nailed it. The problem right now is mediocre politicians have been given god like powers and they like it a lot and don’t want to give them up, ever.

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      Default Re: The mask enforcement rule And people losing their mind

      go ahead and add on top of that all the law suits that are going to come out from the masks and other bull shit that the ag already said that they would support. this is going to be a goat rope across the board and hopefully it will further bankrupt these stupid ran democrat held strongholds.
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      Default Re: The mask enforcement rule And people losing their mind

      I refuse to wear a mask. The media has the "sheeple" so scared over this. Maybe the best thing is for people with health probs, the elderly, and anyone else at high risk for the pneumonia should be extra careful, stay in ect. The rest of us should go out and live life normally. I heard once we are at about 70% of the people have the antibodies then the virus will dissipate as it cannot jump from host to host.

      My mom and dad watch the news. I have voiced my opinion to them and they are freaked out. CNN or MSNBC has showed stock footage from body bags in Wuhan china while talking about the USA. Of course they assume the pictures they see of body bags piled up are somewhere in the USA and freak out.

      The media will not report on all the nurses and med staff out of work because hospitals are EMPTY! Yeah in hotspots like NYC they may be packed but here in N Texas nurses are being asked to take vacation days as there is nothing to do. Some are being furloughed.
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      Default Re: The mask enforcement rule And people losing their mind

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      Default Re: The mask enforcement rule And people losing their mind

      BD and Fuzo would start a powerful movement! Im still hugging holding and shaking hands. I agree with Fuzo, whole heartedly, we just go about it in a different way. "CAN YOU DIG IT"!!!
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      Default Re: The mask enforcement rule And people losing their mind

      To be fair Trump did not say to inject lysol. That is just as bullshit as the rest. He said we should look into injecting powerful disinfectants. Which is stupid as hell to say. But at least people should get it right. That being said, being a blatant fabrication discredits the good opinions in the post unfortunately.
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    7. #7
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      Default Re: The mask enforcement rule And people losing their mind

      Quote Originally Posted by jipped genes View Post
      To be fair Trump did not say to inject lysol. That is just as bullshit as the rest. He said we should look into injecting powerful disinfectants. Which is stupid as hell to say. But at least people should get it right. That being said, being a blatant fabrication discredits the good opinions in the post unfortunately.
      they are setting a fine example of trying to destroy the economy and turning us into a socialist country. that's their end state goal at the end of the day. not just n texas man. it is across the country with doc offices hospitals rehab clinics etc.... lots will shut down or be so beat down that they will bankrupt at best. if it was as bad as they say it is or try to get us to believe then all these places would be full up as back ups for normal hospitals. hell nyc isnt even as bad as they tried to play it off to be. they barely even put anyone into the overflow hospitals or onto the ship. not saying it isnt bad and doenst kill the shit out of some people but it is nowhere near as bad as they are putting it out to be
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      Default Re: The mask enforcement rule And people losing their mind

      This Dr Fauci dude has never seen a real patient in over 20 years but suddenly he is the doctor for the whole freakin world.
      If we have learned anything from this it is that humans are ****ing gullible and can be led to believe anything.

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      Default Re: The mask enforcement rule And people losing their mind

      Guns, I think I agree. A horrible economy puts a lot of people on the dole. They are not going to vote for a conservative.

      Same reason the left wants open borders. They do not give a shit about these folk, they want voters to take control.
      "SHIAT BIOTCH, thats a big ass!"

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    10. #10
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      Default Re: The mask enforcement rule And people losing their mind

      Quote Originally Posted by jipped genes View Post
      Guns, I think I agree. A horrible economy puts a lot of people on the dole. They are not going to vote for a conservative.

      Same reason the left wants open borders. They do not give a shit about these folk, they want voters to take control.
      what i cant wrap my head around is all these fools both in the gov and citizens alike thinking you can just print off money and toss money around. i saw yesterday about the fucktards talking about universal income again. how and where they think all these free funds are going to come from just doesnt make any sense to me whatsoever. free health care, free money free free free. nothing on this earth comes for free. if we continue down this path we wont have any freedoms at all and will either end up speaking chinese or spanish
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      Default Re: The mask enforcement rule And people losing their mind

      Last edited by Dzone; 04-30-2020 at 08:53 AM.

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      Default Re: The mask enforcement rule And people losing their mind

      I wont wear a mask either. most of the stores down here arent making you wear one if they do i wont shop there. i am really suprised armed robbery hasnt spiked i mean people dont look twice on someone wear a mask now...

    13. #13
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      Default Re: The mask enforcement rule And people losing their mind

      Fuzo and I walked in a grocery store yesterday without masks, they told us we couldn't come in without one. So we put our shirt over our mouth n nose. They pretty much followed us around. I got extreme anxiety and just wanted to get out of there. Fuzo took his down in line and as we walked out he was expressing our rights loudly! Ugh...I am boycotting public places for awhile
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      Default Re: The mask enforcement rule And people losing their mind

      Quote Originally Posted by BABY1 View Post
      Fuzo and I walked in a grocery store yesterday without masks, they told us we couldn't come in without one. So we put our shirt over our mouth n nose. They pretty much followed us around. I got extreme anxiety and just wanted to get out of there. Fuzo took his down in line and as we walked out he was expressing our rights loudly! Ugh...I am boycotting public places for awhile
      here is what blows my mind. we are all grown ass adults and know the risk to benefit of following the mask guidance and if you choose to or not to should be your personal choice. now if you are sick coughing or sneezing(which you shouldnt be out) then you should cover your face up. here is the kicker and i dont wear one either. i like to people watch and i am a very cautious person always keeping track of what is going on around me. so me watching these people wearing masks i have found that about 95% of these morons handle their faces 100x more than they would if they didnt. so what's the trade off here. me personally, before i put my sunglasses or glasses on my face i clean my hands, as soon as i get into my ride i clean my hands and as soon as i get to my house i clean my hands and throw my shirt into the laundry. i even rub the sanitizer into my beard around my mouth after i clean my hands.

      i love how the changed that it had to be an m95 mask to well um anything covering your face will work. a bandana or t-shirt neck gator or whatever isnt going to give you the same protection and anyone that thinks so is a fool. if that were the case hospitals would be using the far cheaper alternative to cut costs and make more money
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      Default Re: The mask enforcement rule And people losing their mind

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      • The mask enforcement rule And people losing their mind

      • The mask enforcement rule And people losing their mind
      • The mask enforcement rule And people losing their mind
      • The mask enforcement rule And people losing their mind
      • The mask enforcement rule And people losing their mind
      • The mask enforcement rule And people losing their mind
      • The mask enforcement rule And people losing their mind
      Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
      i love how the changed that it had to be an m95 mask to well um anything covering your face will work. a bandana or t-shirt neck gator or whatever isnt going to give you the same protection and anyone that thinks so is a fool. if that were the case hospitals would be using the far cheaper alternative to cut costs and make more money
      You are so right! My daughter told me that to test if a mask is effective, you should try blowing out a candle. If you can blow it out, your mask is not protecting yourself, or anyone else
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