Your choice of breakfast determines the activities of your day and is the foundation of your long-term health. However you were not necessary to follow the traditional breakfast.
Whether you like eggs or yogurt or oatmeal, eat a healthy breakfast for the day set the tone for weight control, so that fewer calories ingested. In fact, the recently research shows that people choose to eat a healthy breakfast is a wise choice, and breakfast were generally lower on the body mass index.
"If people do not eat breakfast, then lunch, they will make an unhealthy choice. Peoples who did not eat breakfast on this day will eat more." Emily Baines said. Emily Baines is located in Houston Northwest Medical Center R & D department of clinical nutritionists. This phenomenon is partly due to people's thought processes, people mistakenly think that if they do not eat breakfast, they can eat more on lunch or dinners.
The reality is this: at the physical level, your choice of breakfast or simply do not eat breakfast can lead to a strong surge into the appetite and blood sugar between the two loops that would be devastating to control weight impact. "Preferably low sugar breakfast low heat to start a new day. "Baines said.

Breakfast calories: What to eat?
Perhaps you have to by trying to find the most suitable for your breakfast food. Baines proposed to consider other than the traditional breakfast foods. Baines said: If you like turkey sandwiches and boiled eggs are better than the old traditional breakfast, no problem.
Here are some ideas: consider the whole grain foods. According to a study of nutrition, whole grain foods are a good choice, because they make you feel full. The study was compared between eating whole grain bread and refined flour human satiety ,it is found that in the next eight hours ,people who eat a whole grain breakfast was not as hungry as people who eat refined flour bread.
Choose to eat eggs. One pair of 25-year-old and 60-year-old age group, the people are trying to lose weight made a study, the study found: The two eggs for breakfast have a 65% reduction of body weight than those who ate bagels, and people who eat eggs said they are more dynamic all days.
Although the study showed that eating eggs does not affect the level of cholesterol, Baines warned that if you have high cholesterol levels, then eat the eggs may not be a good choice. Consult your doctor to see if you can.

Avoid high-sugar foods. Eat donuts, pastries and sweet cereals will lead to low blood sugar addicted to eating more, this will damage your weight loss efforts.
Breakfast calories: give some recommendations to the people who without the spirit in the morning. Not everyone feeling hungry when they get up, Baines said: "When you wake up, if you're not used to eat breakfast, but you can eat after two hours. drink up the yogurt , eat peanut butter smeared point thin biscuits, or a protein with a little Grand Nora, Breakfast does not necessarily to eat traditional food. "
Once you find your diet breakfast food and you like to eat, then do the plan, prepared in advance, so you can eat these foods when you eating ,and the same time you can continue to strengthen habits of the healthy life .