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    Thread: Which anti-es

    1. #1
      crombie09's Avatar
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      Ok bros got cycle together:

      1-12 -750mg QV test enan
      1-4.5-30 mg Denkall dbol ed
      1-12-25mcg Cynomel t3 ed

      I was just going to use Arimadex on the cycle and clomid pct. Is that enough? I don't want a lot of bloat from the dbol. -crombie09

    2. #2
      grdfreak's Avatar
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      with dbol i may consider using hcg post cycle.

    3. #3
      jsjs24's Avatar
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      Originally posted by grdfreak
      with dbol i may consider using hcg post cycle.
      The test alone is enough reason imo.

    4. #4
      LOCO's Avatar
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      arimidex is just fine... u could also use nolva (is bit cheaper) to keep the bloat away... arimidex will do a better job, but like i said nolva tends to be cheaper...
      clomid for post cycle is perfect...
      hcg is up to u... i personally never use it... (i just wait till i recover natuarally)

    5. #5
      jsjs24's Avatar
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      Yea hcg is up to you crombie, but I like to include it in all my cycles. And if you read up on it you probably will too.

    6. #6
      crombie09's Avatar
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      ok thanks for the advice bros- crombie09

    7. #7
      buyb12's Avatar
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      letrozole will do a much better job of keeping off the bloat not to menention the estrogen sides.....

    8. #8
      crombie09's Avatar
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      Originally posted by buyb12
      letrozole will do a much better job of keeping off the bloat not to menention the estrogen sides.....
      Oh yeah? Could you explain? Areant you having some special on letrozole/femara product right now? Explain and I might buy it from you. Is one bottle enough for my cycle? -crombie09

    9. #9
      jack hust's Avatar
      jack hust
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      you could use ldex at .50mcg ed on that cycle and be fine

    10. #10
      buyb12's Avatar
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      we are having a special but that's not why letro is better.....it's just better

      Letrozol is femera, which is an anti-estrogen.

      Femara is 10-30x more effective than Arimidex in it's ability to pass thru the cell membrane of lipid (fat) cells and inhibit the activity of aromatase -- in other words, Femara is far superior in lowering estrogen levels in fat cells. This has two benefits for BBs; (1) Estrogen 'attracts' water, so less water retention (2) an average male BB is around 10%BF, that's a lot of lipid cells with aromatase inside them, so a substantial percentage of aromatase is left untouched by Arimidex due to it's poor ability to enter lipid cellsArimidex is approximately 80% effective at inhibiting aromatase, Femara is around 95-97

      1. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2000 Jul;85(7):2370-7
      2. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol 1997 Nov-Dec;63(4-6):261-7

    11. #11
      pigmeat's Avatar
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      Originally posted by buyb12
      letrozole will do a much better job of keeping off the bloat not to menention the estrogen sides.....
      And Aromasin will do a better job than the Femera! Hands down, the best choice for anti E(aromasin)
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    12. #12
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      Written by Superchicken

      somone keeps posting how letrozole is the strongest and doesnt negatively affect cholesterol. this is not true. letrozole is NOT the strongest and it DOES negative affect cholesterol/lipid profile in a bad way.

      aromasin(exemestane) is the best. this is why

      both arimidex/ldex/anastrozole and femara/letrozole hurt your cholesterol. the way these 2 anti e's work is they inhibit the aromatase enzyme. by inhibiting the enzyme which converts testosterone to estrogen, you reduce or even come close to eliminating estrogen production. we need some estrogen to be healthy. the major drawback to this is without estrogen, your lipid profile gets fucked.

      exemestane works differently. it does not stop the body from producing estrogen. rather, it makes it so the estrogen is unable to bind to receptors by deactivating the binding enzyme. if the estrogen cannot bind, you simply will not get bloated or get gyno. the estrogen is crippled due to exemestane. however, since the estrogen is still floating around, it will not negatively affect your lipid/cholesterol profile.

      anastrozole doesnt cause a rebound effect, and neither does exemestane, but letrozole does. this means after you stop the letrozole, your estrogen rebounds and goes pretty high for a while, eventually it normalizes. you can avoid this by tapering your letro dose down before stopping it, but that is a pain in the ass. higher than normal can mess many things up post cycle when you stop. since the hpta has a feedback loop is primarily controlled by estrogen, high estrogen will tell your hpta to produce less testosterone, because it thinks the high estrogen is caused by too much testosterone. this is fact. now post cycle, dont we want to raise our test levels, not lower them? of course! so rebounds are bad. if you use letro taper the dose off to zero over a couple weeks.

      fyi- nolvadex(tamoxifen) is a SERM(Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator). this means on certain tissue it can act antagonisticaly or agonistically. in the case of lipid profiles, it acts agonistically. so, running tamoxifen with your anti e's will IMPROVE your cholesterol profile even if not on cycle or using any gear or other anti e's. its just plain good for cholesterol.

      one thing to keep in mind though when runing tamoxifen with letro. letro reduces blood levels of tamoxifen by over 50%. a study showed 2.5mg letro ed made nolva levels drop to 40% of what they were before adding letro. this does not mean you cant use tamoxifen with letro, it just means you need to use more, about double. 20mg of nolva will act like 8mg if running letro. so make sure you are aware of this because you will need to buy more nolva to compensate. this does not happen when mixing tamoxifen with anastrozole or exemestane, it only hppens with letro.

      also, many people and myself experince a reduction of libido on letro. this doesnt happen w/ ldex or exmestane as far as i know, and in my own experience, and ive run all 3 quite a bit.

      the best combo IS exemestane and tamoxifen together. your cholesterol will be as good as can be considering your on a cycle of steroids. the dose of aromasin will vary depending on the users needs and how much aromatizing gear is being taken. usually 10-25mg ed works well. run 10mg ed nolva to improve your cholesterol.

      second best combo i feel is anastrozole(ldex) and tamoxifen. ldex dose ranges from usually .15mg ed to 1mg ed. run 10mg nolva ed to improve cholesterol.

      thierd best is letro and nolvadex. letro doses usually range from 1-2.5mg ed. run 20mg ed nolva to improve cholesterol w/ letro.

      you do not need to run nolva with any of these 3, i do recomend it though as it will improve cholesterol compared to using the anti e's alone without nolva.

      so in order of strength, on a dose per dose basis(not mg per mg) aromasin is def the strognest, next is letro, and then ldex.

      ive been running aromasin now for about 4 months, i wont switch back to ldex or letro. it works much better and its much healthier for cholesterol profiles.

      i think we all need to stop only worrying about side effects that we can see visually. cholesterol KILLS many people around the world everyday(well not directly kills but leads to it). steroids are hrting us badly in this sense. steroids do mess our cholesterol up pretty badly, and we will pay for it later in life. now not many of us are going to stop using gear because of that, but we should at least take the proper other drugs to help minimize.

      aromasin is only a little bit more expensive than ldex or letro, and its actually about the same price as many places sell ldex or letro for. but its more powerful and healthier. people spend money all the time on steroids which dont have as many side effects as some of the harsher, cheaper steroids. a few extra bucks for the proper anti e's is def money well spent.
      SUPERMOD@ LORDSOFIRON.COM (invite only)

    13. #13
      LOCO's Avatar
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      yup i'm on aromasin right now... and yes it's the best thing out there... costs a lot tho...

    14. #14
      buyb12's Avatar
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      the 2% increase in blocking estrogen is not worth the price increase. Aromasin doesn't do a better job with bloat and letro is known to decrease lipid up take ...while HDL levels may suffer while on for most of us this rebounds very quickly and less fat is better for cholesterol in the long run....

      Unless you have heart disease cholesterol is not really the problem that the public has been led to beleave ......the real proble is an inability to mebatabolize calcium

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