I have a question guys and gals that I hope you can help me with. My wife has been weight lifting for almost 3 yrs now and is in great shape. She is 5'2" 140lbs and a little rock with good dimensions. Her strength is great, stronger than most women we have ever seen in the gyms. However, she is quite attracted to the effects of winstrol and anything else that might help her get some more strength and cut up a bit more. She can maintain a good diet and is extremely devoted to her workouts. She does cardio about 5 days a week and weights about the same. The only gear she has used is clenbuterol, it worked well and she liked it but she is curious of winstrol. I have 100 10mg denkall tabs and was wondering if 1 tab divided into 2 doses a day for about 5 or 6 wks would be good and safe for her. I appreciate any info. Oh yea, I have done research on this but everything seems to be completely different when it comes to gear for women, therefore I don't know what to believe.