this is the 3rd big time democrat in a week that has gone over to mccains side.

Florida Clinton delegate Luchy Secaira announces support for McCain.

Sen. Barack Obama talks the talk, but never has nor never will walk the walk,” said Clinton Delegate-at-Large Luchy Secaira today during a conference call hosted by the McCain-Palin presidential campaign. The conference call was geared for Sen. McCain’s appeal among hispanics and women. The McCain campaign said that registered Democrat Secaira had chosen to put her country before her party and vote for Sen. McCain because he has spent his life standing up for his country.

Hillary Clinton Senior Advisor, Miguel Lausell, said “McCain is a man of experience and a man of soundness. You know what your getting when you vote for him. The same cannot be said for Obama.” Lausell, also a registered democrat, said that Sen. Obama may have a beautiful life story but that doesn’t mean he can run the country.

Both Lausell and Secaira said that McCain cares more about the Hispanic and female community because he has met with Hispanics at town hall meetings and decided to have Sarah Palin as his running mate. They both agreed that Obama’s downfall was not choosing Sen. Clinton or Sen. Bill Richardson as his running mate.

“Obama is politically naive. During these hard times the United States is facing, we should not have an inexperienced senator for president,” said Secaira about the difference between McCain and Obama. Lausell said that McCain and Obama are a lot alike, in that they both have similar plans. The only difference they say is that Sen. McCain will put his plans into action, while Sen. Obama will let his remain on the table.

JESSICA YELLIN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Wolf, I'm with a woman named Dr. Luchy Secaira, a delegate-at-large from Naples, Florida, and a passionate Hillary Clinton supporter.

Dr. Secaira, let me first ask you, you feel like there is too much criticism of Senator Clinton and the way that she has conducted herself since the primaries ended.

LUCHY SECAIRA, FLORIDA DELEGATE AT LARGE: Yes, I do, because what she did is unprecedented. I mean the primary was over on a Tuesday. On Saturday she held a rally with all of her supporters and gave a very passionate speech, telling us to unite and telling us that she was throwing her full support behind Barack Obama. I mean and since then, she's campaigned for him. She's raised money for him and she keeps telling us to unite behind him.

And I am going to unite behind him on Thursday. We will come out of here united.

YELLIN: Right. But you're saying you're going to unite behind him on Thursday, but you want to vote for her on Wednesday, because she's very meaningful to you.

What does her candidacy represent to you?

SECAIRA: Her candidacy represents a lot. As a matter of fact, today that she's speaking, it's the anniversary of the women's suffrage, OK?

And Hillary Clinton was the first viable candidate -- true viable candidate to be the first female president of the United States. And I am going to vote for her on roll call. And I am going to vote for her because she deserves it. I mean, you're not -- the campaign and the DNC act like they're giving her a gift. According to the rules, she's entitled to have a roll call.

YELLIN: Great. And you also believe you won't see another candidate like her for another hundred years.