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    Thread: talking with God

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      Unhappy talking with God

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      so...if you were to die today, do you know where you are going?? today, IMO, so many ministers dance around the core issue...life and death. for that is the bottom line when trying to win people to Christ. for no one comes to the father except thru Me...says Jesus. Faith without works is dead. either you are FOR Jesus or you are AGAINST Jesus. as I said in my previous post, God sees all things in black and white. you may have faith..believe in God..know Jesus was His son...but faith without works is dead. Satan knows God...Satan can quote you verse for verse from the Bible..Satan is in church each and every Sunday.. Some things to consider:

      Lets say you died tomorrow...and you are standing alone before God Almighty, with His legions of angels looking down on you--a pretty tough crowd. He says, "why should I allow you entry into Heaven?"
      you say: "well, Im a good person, whose heart was changed when I came to know Christ"
      He says: "child, how many strangers have you told about Me today? This week?"
      you say:"but Lord, Ive tried to do good things"
      He says: "How have you served me this week?" "What specifically have you done to promote my Kingdom this week?"
      you say:"I go to church"
      He says:"Tell me how you applied what you minister told you about Me this week"
      you say: "uh...I cant really remember what we talked about in church"
      He says:"Tell me what the 'Friends' episode was about this week..."
      you say: nothing...as words are hard to come by at this point.
      He says: "How many times have you read My Word this week"
      you say: "well, I have 3 Bibles on my shelf at home"
      He says: " How much money have you given to My church this week?"
      He says:"tell me how much money youve spent on gym dues and protein powders..or worse.."juice" this week."
      you say: uh...uh..
      He says:"how do you like the new mercedes youre riding around in?"
      you say:uh..uh...
      He says:" how many hours did you spend in the gym this week and how much time did you spend with those in lesser circumstances than you?"
      He says: "have you been praying to me CONSTANTLY this week?"
      you say: uh..uh...
      He says: "would you say you have faith?"
      you say:yes Lord
      He says:"have you laid down everything and followed me?"
      you say: uh..uh...
      He says: "Sing me a gospel hymm..my child"
      you say: uh...uh...
      He says:"Sing me a backstreet boys song..or an AC/DC song, my child"
      you say:uh..uh....
      He says: "How many of your enemies have you gone out of your way to be openly kind to? How many of your enemies have you silently cursed under your breath--remember, I hear everything.."
      you say:uh...uh...
      He says:"child, you may have faith, but you have shown no works done by your faith."
      you say:uh...but, Lord, wait..
      He says:"Im so sorry my child..I am deeply hurt to do this..but.."(you fill in the blank)

      Things to consider..Are you sure you know where you are going if you were to die tomorrow? remember, we are like flowers that bloom up and are cut down, we are like a vapor that is here for an instant and then vanishes....It is far easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Think about it my friends.

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      PL strikes again!

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      Bro you need to read Romans chapter 4, you can't do anything for God he has done it all for us. The law is what he's going to judge people by, not by your works. Remember what Jesus said to the 2 groups of people, 1 He told to enter in because of what they did for Him. They asked what did we ever do(you know the rest of the story) Now the other group that had their works listed out, He said depart from me I never knew you. They thought they were doing works for God but in reality they were doing them for their own glory.

      Works of faith can't be listed by the person doing them because it's not of them to do it, it's the Lord doing it through them. I don't see God asking people to list their works as a way in to the kingdom. "It's not by works of rightousness that any man can boost"

      Read chapter 5 of Matthew, He came to fulfill the law. So that when we place our faith in His life and death for our sin we recieve His grace which save us, not our works. If you want to stand on works you have to be perfect like our Father in heaven is perfect, that would never happen by works.

      Faith will have evidence of it working in your life, but unfortunitly we live in this body of sin as Paul says in Romans Ch 7. Repentance is what we need to do and that happens by God leading us Romans Ch 2. Not by any works we can do.

      I think the problem here in the western world is, we either focus on works for God or believing in Him. If you read through the gospels Jesus used the law as the measuring rod of where a persons heart was. Look at the rich young ruler and the lawyer. He dealt with both of them on the issue of loving your neihbor as yourself. The young rule said he kept the commandments from his youth, but when asked to sell all, he walked away. He knew the letter to the law but not the spirit of it, which would of brought him to the knowledge that he couldn't keep the law and needed a Savior. The lawyer wanted to get technical with Jesus by asking who was his neihbor, samething he knew the law but his heart wasn't to the point of repentance. He thought he could get by with some lawyer loopholes in the law, missing the point that he couldn't keep the law and needed a Savior. They both thought that by their working of the law that they were made rightous. Ture faith is the knowledge that we need a Savior, then place that faith in what he has done for us.


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      Well the Lord says the Law is wrapped up in this: Love your neighbor as yourself. If you walk in love then the law is fulfilled. It's hard to walk in love. Also, when I miss it I can go to Jesus and ask for forgiveness. I do have to say though that I pay my tithes and give to missions and let me tell you that the Lord gives more than enough. His word works. He rebuked the devourer off of my finances and opened the windows of heaven. I was poor poor and when the Lord saved me I gave what little I had and the Lord kept blessing me. you can't out give God. Yes you have to read his word and spread his word. Sometimes the best witness to others is to just let them see Christ in you with out bible thumping but just loving them. Boy I feel some conviction because I need to practice what I'm preachin' right now. No being good will not get you into heaven, but having a Relationship with Christ will. NO matter how many times you miss it and mess up. As long as you don't quit and you keep trying your best because the Lord knows our thoughts and the intents of our hearts. Therefore there is now NO condemnation to those who are IN Christ Jesus.....
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      I believe different denominations teach different applications and interpetations of the works and beliefs. So everyone believes his or her belief is correct. I think that some should keep their opinions to themselves, as it is in doing what we believe is right and just, and in being as good a person as we can; believing in your God as you know it, is what will bring you to salvation when judgement day comes. I have seen plenty of ppl in my time do alot in God's name, and use it, thinking they will go to heaven or be spared, when otherwise they are hypocrites. Be true to yourself and to God, and if you truely believe you will be spared.

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      There are soo many beliefs. The Egyptians used to believe in God, which they expressed in hieroglyphics with the numerial O. God was believed to be the supreme being in which time had no beginning or end and was brought down to earth by the sun God. You see, God transends time and we are not to speculate on what is to be or what even our faith tells us. Only to believe and worship, and trust. We will find out in the afterlife what God's plan is.

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      His plan is to be united with his bride... The church
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      Originally posted by mick-G
      I believe different denominations teach different applications and interpetations of the works and beliefs. So everyone believes his or her belief is correct. I think that some should keep their opinions to themselves, as it is in doing what we believe is right and just, and in being as good a person as we can; believing in your God as you know it, is what will bring you to salvation when judgement day comes. I have seen plenty of ppl in my time do alot in God's name, and use it, thinking they will go to heaven or be spared, when otherwise they are hypocrites. Be true to yourself and to God, and if you truely believe you will be spared.
      Bro the whole point is we can't be good enough that's why Jesus came to live the perfect life then die for sins he never commited. Read Roman 4:4 our best works add up to debt, then read 4:5. The law or works doesn't make those who are justified by Him better believers that's what Galatians is about. We need to read His word to know what it says and forget about our tradition, religous ideas or thoughts on how we can be His child. What we believe needs to line up with what God says, it's our responsability to find out what He says then believe it.

      The problem is people try to over spiritualize the bible which makes it confusing to people. It's written like any other book in a plan language that can be understood by all. It's meaning is deeper then any other book ever written. It has historical facts in it that some people say never exsisted, then archiology discovers that it is ture we just didn't have all the info yet. It's the only book that has prophecy that have been fulfilled years after they were spoken. Written by 40 different men over 1500 years that were moved by God, yet it's content flows as one.

      We need to search the scriptures, to mold our beliefs to what it say, not molding it to our beliefs.


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      just wanted to get yall thinkin...guess it worked....?

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      Originally posted by mick-G
      I believe different denominations teach different applications and interpetations of the works and beliefs. So everyone believes his or her belief is correct. I think that some should keep their opinions to themselves, as it is in doing what we believe is right and just, and in being as good a person as we can; believing in your God as you know it, is what will bring you to salvation when judgement day comes. I have seen plenty of ppl in my time do alot in God's name, and use it, thinking they will go to heaven or be spared, when otherwise they are hypocrites. Be true to yourself and to God, and if you truely believe you will be spared.
      Like i quoted myself above, there are many ppl of different faiths, religions and denominations. I believe most ppl let their faith guide them to salvation. Their are many whos faith do not practice or even use the Bible. There is one God and a person should not have ot justify his or her beliefs because of what other ppl interpet. That is my point. I also think part of your quote "Read Roman 4:4 our best works add up to debt, then read 4:5. The law or works doesn't make those who are justified by Him better believers that's what Galatians is about." is what i am saying in my third sentence of my quote. I am not personally disagreeing with what you are saying, just that some ppl do not practice your faith and have different interpetations, and yes ppl can never be good enough or perfect, that is why we are human.

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      The unfortunet part is that the one God has His way of faith and those that don't find it will not live eternaly with Him. Those are not my thoughts or words, it is what He has layed out in His word. So we agree, we are just saying it differently. I guess my point is denomitions or relgion needs to be guided by what He say not what the organization determines. The main focus is that He is our Saviour and has done it all for us.

      I don't totally agree with everything that is taught where I fellowship, but the main teachings I do agree with. There are things that we can agree to disagree on, but others that are the main teachings of Christianity which can't be disagreed on. 1John 5:13 " these things are written that you may know you have eternal life" So we can know that we have eternal life, we don't have to wait until we are before God to know.


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      We are saved when we believe. The only thing we will be judged for is when we are at the judgment seat of Christ. This is to see what we did with our lives as believers. Anyway the Lord is Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!
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      Originally posted by maya
      We are saved when we believe. The only thing we will be judged for is when we are at the judgment seat of Christ. This is to see what we did with our lives as believers. Anyway the Lord is Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!
      This isn't a judgement as in being judged for wrong, it's a judgement for rewards not punishment. Then in time we'll lay the crown at the Lords feet because it was Him doing it through us, not us doing it for Him.

      When you think of these promises we have, the problems of life seem so small. Although I have to admitt that I let them over take me sometimes. It's decussion like these that remind me. Thanks Burthas and Sistas


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