
SPINACH-new research from biochemists at Lunds University in Sweden,have found that "thylakoids" in spinach-tiny membranes in the leaves-coat the fat in your food,making harder to digest.As a result,the food stays in your intestenal tract longer,causing you to feel full hours after you eat.

RASPBERRIES-Japanese researchers have discovered eating raspberries everday,will cause your metabolism to kick into overdrive.your body will be a fat burning machine,even burning more fat and calories while resting.3x more effective than cayenne pepper.

FLAXSEED MAY CUT COLON CANCER RISK IN HALF: DUTCH scientist have discovered that taking in plant LIGNANS,which are found in abundance in flaxseed,cut your risk 50% by reducing growths that can lead to cancer.the more LIGNANS you eat the greater the benefit,flaxseed contain the most, but these also have high concentrations whole-grain cereal,berries,fruits,and vegetables.
BONUS ABOUT LIGNANS: a GERMAN study found that a high intake of plant lignans has been shown to reduce the risk of breast cancer for post-menopausel womenby 78%,thanks to it's "phytoestrogens".

RED WHINE AND EYE SIGHT: According to the five-year REYKJAVIK EYE STUDY from ICELAND,drinking between two glasses of red wine per month to three glasses per day can slash your risk of developing sight stealing cataracts by 50% compared with nondrinkers,heavy drinkers,and beer drinkers.
the results come even after adjusting for known risk factors for cataracts,such as smoking,not wearing sunglasses and therapeutic steroid use.research shows it may due to flavonoid RESVERATROL,which has already been shown to help prevent macular degeneration,a progressive eye disease that mostly affects elderly people and can lead to blindness.

BROCCOLI MAY PREVENT BLINDNESS: John Hopkins University School of Medicine researchers have found that the antioxidant SULFORAPHANE in broccoli and broccoli sprouts protects the eye from damage caused by the sun'sultraviolet rays

CAMELLIA TEA OIL AND YOUR HEART: it's virtually unknown in the US, but CAMELLIA tea oil- has been a longtime favorite among Chinese and Japanese chefs who love it's versitility and heart-boosting benefits.this virtually tasteless oil has no trans fats and is rich in vitamin E,omega 3 fatty acids and monounsaturated fats. you can find treasure green CAMELLIA tea oil on amazon.com for $15 for 16.9oz.

SPANISH STUDY:snacking on a handful of walnuts once a day along with consuming a diet high in fruits and vegetables can slash your risk of heart disease and stroke by half.

VEGETABLE SOUP KEEPS YOU YOUNG:In a recent study, scientists from Tufts University Nutrition Research Center on Aging found that in just 2 weeks,two cups of vegetable soup a day produces a 22-percent increase in vitamin C in your blood.Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidants that can help lower your risk of heart disease,cancer,stroke,dementia and other age-related illnesses.
While the basic ingredients of vegetable soup-tomatoes,cucumbers,green bell peppers,onions,garlic and olive oil-are all healthy by themselves,when combined the researchers found tthat the benefits become super-charged,turning this soup into one of the most age-defying foods you can pour into a bowl.

BONUSlive oil is loaded with oleocanthal, a chemical that works just like ibuprofen and other anti-inflammation drugs to reduce pain and inflammation by inhibiting the activity of certain enzymes.

TIP: Penn State researchers say,throw portabella or crimini mushrooms into your soup for an even bigger health boost.the mushrooms are loaded with virtually the same amount of antioxidants as carrots,green beans,red peppers and broccoli.

TIP:FRENCH and SPANISH researchers found that the immune-bolstering poloyphenols in buckwheat and wheat germ reverse premature aging.

ACAI BERRIES AND CANCER CELLS:Scientist suspected the brazillian berries would be a cancer-fighting powerhouse,because they have up to 30 times more(than red wine) ANTHOCYANINS-the cancer-killing antioxidants that give grapes their violet color.
in the first study of it's kind,researchers from the University of Florida proved it.using an extract of the acai berry in a lab test,the team found that the fruit may trigger up to 86 % of human leukemia cells to self-destruct.the berries which taste like a blend of cherries with a hint of chocolate,can be found in health-food stores in juices,smoothies,extracts or supplements.

UNIVERSITY of MICHIGAN COMPREHENSIVE CANCER CENTER: researcher have found the anti-inflamatory properties of the same ginger used in candy and soda may help kill ovarian cancer cells as effectively or better than some chemotherapy drugs,and may even stop cancer cells from growing.

OREGAN STATE UNIVERSITY:a new study shows the hops in beer is the major source of the anti-cancer flavonoid XANTHOHUMOL and may help prevent prostate cancer.the research is so convincing that German scientist have developed a beer that contains 10 times the amount of XANTHOHUMOL than traditional brews.while the German beer is not available in the US,porter,stout and ale domestic beers already have a higher level of the flavonoid.however it takes about 17 beers to reach the anti-cancer benefits.luckily,supplements containing hops are already on the market.(100 capsules,310mg,$5.50 at amazon)

UNIVERSITY of HAWAII: a daily supplement of an extract made from the dried peel of citrus fruits may prevent diabetes by restoring insulin sensitivity.the health-boosting compounds in the extract,"polymethoxylated flavones"are antioxidants from plant pigments that give flowers and food their yellow,orange or red colors.Scientist have already shown the flavones help lower LDL and help prevent cancer and inflammation.Sytrinol by Source Naturals is $11.30 for 60 150mg tablets,available at evitamins.com and health food stores.

UNIVERSITY of MINNESOTA:researchers say women who drink six or more cups of coffee every day are 22-percent less likely to develope type 2 diabetes than those who don't drink coffee.drinking decaf-and you get even more benefits-a 33% lower risk of developing diabetes.it's because coffee contains antioxidants that may help metabolize sugar and may protect the pancreas.