Hey Guys, I've got my gear and It's time to start my cycle, I'm 28yrs 5'11 185. This is my 3rd cycle. It's been a little over a year since I did my last cycle( deca, dbol, sus) I got good gains but didn't like the bloated feeling from the d-bol. I have the below to work with this time. I'm looking to put together a lean mass cycle for 8-10 weeks. I was thinking of running the Tren, sostenon, and winnie together this time. Any thought?

Dbol-200 at 5mg (blue Thailand ones)

Stallion Labs-1-10ml Tri-Trenbol 150
2-10ml Deca 300
2-10ml Supertest 350
Stanbol 10mg (Orals) -200 of these

Organon- Sostenon 250- 10-1ml depot HG