How didn’t [Barack Obama] know?” said Johnson. “Of course he knew. He just didn’t care.” (Boston Globe, via NQ) - Another Slumlord Scandal for BO


We need to be informed on all Barack Obama's filthy baggage, so here is the latest from No Quarter on Obama getting money for slumlord Cecil Butler, and Butler getting money for Obama:

Boston Globe Exposé, Part I: Introducing Cecil Butler, Obama’s West Side Slumlord Patron

An excerpt:

In the midst of the uproar, a small group of Lawndale residents gathered to rally against the Democratic candidate for the US Senate, Barack Obama.

Obama’s Republican opponent, Alan Keyes, trailed badly in the polls and was not seen as a serious challenger. But the organizers had a simple message: Cecil Butler had donated $3,000 to Obama’s campaign. Habitat had close ties to Obama. And Obama had remained silent about Lawndale’s plight.

Paul Johnson, who helped to organize the protest, said Obama must have known about the problems.

“How didn’t he know?” said Johnson. “Of course he knew. He just didn’t care.”