GOP Had Largest Television Audience for Convention EVER!

And they say there is little enthusiasm for the GOP this year?

Make sure to share this story with any of your Obamaton friends who were bragging a week ago about the huge television audience that Obama got for his speech at the styrofoam temple….

The Republican convention was the most-watched convention on television ever, beating a standard set by the Democrats a week earlier.

Three times in two weeks, political speeches were watched by more people than the “American Idol” finale, the Academy Awards and the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics this year.

This week’s ratings, with an average of 34.5 million viewers watching the GOP convention over three days, proved people are becoming more interested in what the Republicans have to say. The Democrats had an average audience of 30.2 million over four days, Nielsen said.

More men (17.9 million) watched McCain speak than watched Obama (16.2 million), Nielsen said.

Fox was the most-watched network all three nights of the GOP convention, duplicating its feat from the 2004 GOP convention. CNN was the most popular destination for Obama’s speech.