TailGunner a great bro at Freakz wrote and posted this and I wanted to share it.. it is an excellent read

A Few Thoughts by TailGunner
I've been thinking about some things for a long time, and decided to put a few thoughts down.

1: the choice to use steroids is a very big decision and should not be taken lightly. they are not the end all answer to everything. they dont magically grow muscles or shed fat. all this depends upon the person and their dedication to making changes to their body. anabolic/androgenic steroids simply help in this quest. and please keep in mind, that this is not an exact science by any stretch of the imagination. every person is different. every body will react differently to different kinds of gear. and every person does indeed have the chance of having bad side affects. compound that, with not knowing exactly what kind of gear you may be getting and possible sterility issues, this is a game that you need to really understand before putting your health on the line. and I'll address the whole legality issues in a short.

2: when you are looking for help/guidance on things, you should not look to see who has the most posts, or who's pic in the pic section is the biggest, or who seems to answer ever single question, been around the longest, or anything like that. you should spend your time reading and researching. start looking at people's responses and "getting to know" the kind of info they give and if they seem to think along the same lines as you. dont just go blindly stumbling along trying to find the person you think might give you some good advise.

3: as we know, steroids are illegal in the USA. end of story. by choosing to use them, you are choosing to break the law. its that simple. granted, I think they do have quite a few additional values to them that lawmakers overlook or ignore, but I cannot in good conscience say they need to be legalized, because you start a ball rolling that would then be very difficult to stop. here's my theory, and although its a tad far fetched, its not impossible to consider. say you legalize steroids, then the NORML people get all bunched up and marijuana is legalized. what's next? where does it stop? you cant just pick and choose things to be legal. next thing you know, you're purchasing speedballs at walgreens. so personally, I think its a huge pandora's box that should be just left alone.

4: I want to be very clear on something. I DO NOT think steroids are for everyone. hell.....they probably arent for most of the people that do (or have done) them. and I think a lot of people do them with poor information, lack of planning, and ill judgement. exhaust ALL of the other resources available to you, then start researching steroids, then make your decision on if they are for you or not. and be honest with yourself, not just sit there and say "I wanna be huge, bro" as that is not an answer....that is a reaction and/or emotion. and you cannot make solid decisions on those things.

5: I try to pass along a little information here and there simply because a while back I decided to try and dig up some quality information on steroids and there was little available. a couple of guys helped me a lot by answering questions and pointing my in the right direction for more information. I guess my OCD kicked in and I've never left. I just keep reading and learning and trying to be at least a little helpful to people. If the information I can give will help anyone just a little, then hopefully I've helped someone. and maybe, just maybe, I've stopped someone from making some bad decisions and/or hurting themselves.

thanks for listening to my little rant.

and as a side note, due to the volume of emails I've been getting lately:
I am not a source and never have been (and will not be) so dont ask me if I can get you ______(fill in the blank) as I cant/wont and have no interest in doing so.
I do not give out sources, as this is not a source board, so please do not ask about them.
