GABA Supplement

"I will make this very simple. Of the 5,000 plus fat loss products I have been associated with, I feel that GABA is #1. In fact, I call it the best kept secret for fat loss. Consistent with this, GABA is also the most re-ordered product by people. Over 95% of the people who take GABA for the first time, come back to repurchase the product." - Chuck Stebbins

All Natural Neurotransmitter - Naturally Releases Human Growth Hormone - Increases Muscle Mass - Decreases Fat - Improves Sleep - Stabilizes Blood Pressure - Assist in Relieving Pain

It CAN happen!

When I lost my weight, I followed a very easy formula. I exercised lightly 3 times a week, ate plenty of protein, cut my carbohydrates and took 5 grams (8 capsules) of GABA every night before bed. Within 150 days my weight had dropped from 220 to 118!

Click Here to Order your FREE 2-week Supply!

Modern advances in medical research have uncovered a number of previously unknown facts concerning fat storage and energy utilization by the body. Recent studies have found that higher levels of circulating Human Growth Hormone (HGH) are associated with less body fat to better lean tissue stored fat ratio. Additionally, naturally elevating the levels of HGH led to a significant decrease in fat storage and greater feelings of energy and vigor. HGH isa hormone that is widely known for its powerful anabolic (muscle building) effects as well as its lipotropic (breakdown and utilization of body fat) effects.

The overall result of these effects is an increase in lean tissue mass and a decrease in body fat. Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is produced, stored and secreted by the pituitary gland located at the base of the brain. As you advance in age, HGH is able to continue to be made and stored by the brain; however, it's level of secretion (release into the bloodstream) falls way off. This lack of circulating HGH is the factor that scientists now believe is responsible for the tendency of older individuals to have increased difficulty losing body fat. GABA signals the pituitary to naturally release HGH. Studies have shown that 90 minutes following GABA supplementation, HGH levels increase over five times the previous levels.

What is an effective dose of GABA?

Scientific research demonstrates that at least 2 grams (3 capsules) of Dreamshape should be taken per dose. Additionally, it has been found that 5 grams (8 capsules) is more effective than 2 grams and that effectiveness tops out at 18 grams.

Are there any negative side effects to Dream Shape?

There are no negative side effects possible with the use of GABA, however, some beginning users report mild tingling about the face and neck as well as brief but noticeable change, in heart rate or breathing patterns. These effects are harmless and normally disappear within minutes.

Are all GABA products similar?

Unfortunately, no. When considering the merits of GABA products, two important properties should be recognized. First, many GABA powders are not 100% pure. In fact, they may be "cut" as much as 9-1 with simple corn starch. For maximum results be sure you take a "pure" GABA product.

When should Dream Shape be taken?

HGH is released within two hours of falling asleep so if GABA is being used for fat loss it should be taken on an empty stomach, immediately before bed. If GABA is being used for pain or any of it's other positive benefits it may be taken anytime throughout the day or night