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  • Man says one day of P90X sent him to the emergency room
  • Man says one day of P90X sent him to the emergency room
  • Man says one day of P90X sent him to the emergency room
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  • Man says one day of P90X sent him to the emergency room
  • Man says one day of P90X sent him to the emergency room
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    Thread: Man says one day of P90X sent him to the emergency room

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      Default Man says one day of P90X sent him to the emergency room

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      • Man says one day of P90X sent him to the emergency room
      • Man says one day of P90X sent him to the emergency room

      • Man says one day of P90X sent him to the emergency room
      • Man says one day of P90X sent him to the emergency room
      • Man says one day of P90X sent him to the emergency room
      • Man says one day of P90X sent him to the emergency room
      • Man says one day of P90X sent him to the emergency room
      • Man says one day of P90X sent him to the emergency room
      Wow. Very interesting. Never heard of this ever happening to someone
      Man says one day of P90X sent him to the emergency room

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      BABY1's Avatar
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      Default Re: Man says one day of P90X sent him to the emergency room

      Wow, I know strenuous exrcise can make CPK levels higher but his were sky high! rhabdomyolysis can be cause by several other things, including statins, maybe he had other issues that contributed as well
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      Default Re: Man says one day of P90X sent him to the emergency room

      It appears that there has been more RHABDOMYOLYSIS with crossfit exercisers. Also mentions ststins here too. I know about the statin effect baucause it was a thought that my Dad had this from the ststins he was on.

      Interesting read:

      Thought it might be about time to re-post this essay I wrote back in November of 2007. The info still applies today; however, given CrossFit's up-front treatment of the potential for rhabdo, its signs, and how to properly scale to prevent it, cases of rhabdo are few and far between. Have we had any rhabdo at CFOC? Yup. Back in 2007 - and it happened to Kelley after she had traveled to and from the west coast in two weeks, she was severely dehydrated while participating in a workout, as well as sleep deprived and suffering from jet lag. Kel was asked to participate in a head-to-head competition and she should have passed. At least her case was mild and she recovered in fairly short order. Read on to learn more about rhabdo:
      Exertional rhabdomyolysis, or rhabdo, is muscle damage that arises from overexertion of the muscles. It can happen to anyone, but usually occurs in the untrained, or when high-heat/high-humidity conditions are present and an individual is severely dehydrated and fatigued. Some other factors that can increase the risk of developing rhabdo are: training at high altitude, repeated eccentric muscular contractions (i.e. doing "negatives"), recent viral illness, and taking cholesterol-lowering drugs (i.e. statins). It can, and has, happened to military recruits, marathon runners, "weekend" workout warriors, and, yes, even experienced CrossFitters. It's important to understand what rhabdo is so that you can recognize it if you develop the conditions, or notice these conditions in someone else.
      Rhabdo is much more than run-of-the-mill muscle soreness that lasts for a couple of days. In a typical case of rhabdo, the muscle pain is severe, limits your range of motion, and hits with full force about two days after a strenuous workout. Sore muscles alone are not enough to cause serious concern; however, if the soreness and pain are accompanied by extreme swelling of the affected muscles, a physician should be consulted to make sure that the condition hasn't developed into rhabdo, or, even more worrisome, compartment syndrome. If the muscle soreness and swelling are ever accompanied by dark urine, a trip to the emergency room is a must in order to avoid renal failure!
      A sure way to determine if one has rhabdo is to do a serum CK, or CPK, test. Normal CK levels run between 0 and 150 IU/L, but it isn't uncommon for CK levels to rise above the normal range after strenuous exercise. Documented cases of rhabdo typically result in CK levels five times above normal - some above 50,000 IU/L! Regardless, even mild increases of CK above normal could cause kidney failure. Thus the reason why rhabdo is taken so seriously.
      One way to help reduce the chance of rhabdo is to maintain proper hydration before, during, and after working out. Proper hydration helps flush the elevated CK and myoglobin out of the system as well as help with general improved fitness and health. We recommend drinking 60% of your body weight in ounces of water each day to maintain proper hydration, even in cold weather.
      Another way to avoid rhabdo is to maintain a regular CrossFit routine. Regular CrossFitting will push out the limits where one could experience rhabdo. For someone who has been a regular CrossFitter of 4 to 6 times per week, rhabdo is unlikely, but it could occur if one is dehydrated or extremely fatigued. Frequent CrossFitters can even take a week off every three months or so without hurting performance or increasing their risk of rhabdo. For those who don't train so often, more caution should be taken with regard to strenuous workouts. And for those who are deconditioned, there must be a long on-ramp to full-blown CrossFit workouts or the risk for rhabdo is high.
      CrossFitters will experience sore muscles often. That's just part of CrossFitting. Sometimes CrossFitters will even experience some slight swelling and pain in muscles and joints. Again, that's part of CrossFitting and hard training. These sore muscles and minor swelling and joint pain from overexertion do not indicate rhabdo, but they could be accompanied by slightly elevated CK levels in the blood. This is normal and recovery is fairly rapid. A short rest of a couple days off, hydration, and backing off of the high intensity for a bit will aid in recovery from overexertion.
      Recovering from a bout of acute exertional rhabdomyolysis could take weeks or months depending upon the severity of the condition. Only your doctor can say for sure when you can start to train again. Once you're cleared to begin your training, it starts from ground zero with a long on-ramp to high intensity coupled with a lot of strength building (read weightlifting) before you're ready for that fast "Fran" or "Helen" again.
      Work hard, but be smart. If your CrossFit trainer tells you to back off on the weight or the intensity of the workout, listen to him or her. If you're dehydrated, fatigued, or just not feeling right that day, make sure you back off on the intensity on your own. If you're taking a statin, or any other drug for that matter, make sure your trainer knows this as well. CrossFit training is hard, but it isn't intended to put you in the hospital. So train hard, but train smart!
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      Default Re: Man says one day of P90X sent him to the emergency room

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      • Man says one day of P90X sent him to the emergency room
      • Man says one day of P90X sent him to the emergency room

      • Man says one day of P90X sent him to the emergency room
      • Man says one day of P90X sent him to the emergency room
      • Man says one day of P90X sent him to the emergency room
      • Man says one day of P90X sent him to the emergency room
      • Man says one day of P90X sent him to the emergency room
      • Man says one day of P90X sent him to the emergency room
      It is tough but that's crazy.
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