i was listening to a local sports raido station...........when sosa got caught..........the were saying that he is the biggest cheater blahblah and that he should also be tested for AAS

htey went on and on about how AAS users are nothing but cheaters.....

this kinda pissed me off....i know that most of the public doesnt know about roids the way we look at them........but still it kinda pisses me off..........
y cant some one in the public eye..just stand up and say

"AAS, eventhough illegal is not what you have been led to belive..they can be used to help many people with out hurting them.....and here are the reasons why 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9.and so on

i hear people at my work talking shit about one of my friends cuz they know he uses AAS...........theese same people are the ones who thinks its ok to smoke up every night and drink a botle of robutission DM just to get jacked up for 6 hrs......
but to them some guy trying to make his body better is lower on the druggie totem pollsorry just had to vent