Came across this article this morning and thought it was worth posting. It kinda spoke to me. Maybe someone will get something out of it

The “If only” – game
January 15, 2011 Rolf No comments

After my last article where I talked about the missed start in life I got a lot of feedback which showed me that there are a lot of people out there that can relate to this topic. That’s why I gave it some more thought and came up with a new and interesting idea.

Be honest to yourself and think about how often you have been playing the “If only” game recently. “If my spouse would be more supporting I could love him/her even more and have a more happy relationship.” , “If the gym wouldn’t be so far away I could get in better shape.” , “If I had studied harder back then, I would have a better job and a more enjoyable life.” ….

The list goes on forever and it doesn’t matter if we cry about missed opportunities in the past or “difficult” circumstances we are facing in the present. If you really want to find a what-if phrase you will always find one.

The secret is:This is absolute bullshit. These what-if terms are only excuses we look for if when we have to face challenges and situations we want to avoid because they mean we have to take action and move into unknown territory.
Here comes my phrase for you:
If you are committed enough you will find a way to go for your goals. If you really want something you will make it.

The key is: Start taking responsibility for everything in your life.
You are not in good shape? It is only because of your past way of eating and not exercising. You can make a change NOW. Change your diet, start running and love yourself.

You miss the passion in your relationship? It is probably because you didn’t give as much love as you could have or didn’t treat your partner how you would like to be treated. Change NOW. Be as loving and passionate as YOU can.

You think you earn not enough money,don’t like your job and look for more excitement? Quit your job, get a new degree, work on your skills and become more valuable.

Every second there are infinite opportunities in front of you to make a change. What ever it is you are not satisfied with YOU have the POWER to change it. It might take some time and effort but there is ALWAYS a way when you are committed. Don’t let the short term pain stop you from gaining long term gain.

My advice to you:
- Stop playing the If-Only-game. Don’t complain about your present. Use your power to create a better future.
- Start looking for opportunities and ways out of your current situation. Make this a habit and you will start seeing opportunities and possibilities pop up everywhere.
- Make a plan. Write down what you are not satisfied with and make a plan how YOU can change it. There is always a way!!
- Take 100% responsibility for everything in your life. YOU created everything you see around you at this very moment. You are the architect of your future!!!

“If we spend our time with regrets over yesterday, and worries over what might happen tomorrow, we have no today in which to live.”

Tags: change, complaining, Possibilities, Regret