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    Thread: People getting busted for having raw milk

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      Default People getting busted for having raw milk

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      • People getting busted for having raw milk
      • People getting busted for having raw milk
      • People getting busted for having raw milk
      • People getting busted for having raw milk
      • People getting busted for having raw milk
      Great. Now the police raid your house for having the wrong kind of milk. This is so wrong. What is happening to this country?
      California food police gone wild: LA County health enforcers conduct door-to-door raw milk confiscation operations

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      Default Re: People getting busted for having raw milk

      Unbelievable, what's the deal with raw milk anyways

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      Man this crap seems like we are headed the way of massive socialism! If I want fn raw milk (which I don't) it's my fn God dam right to have raw milk!

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      Default Re: People getting busted for having raw milk

      Ok,WTF IS GOING ON???????????????? Raw milk consfication teams???????? What ****in country do we live in anymore???? Where and when is this tyranical bullshit going to stop????

      Now im not allowed to drink whatever kind of milk I friggin want?????

      I don't know guys and girls,for those of you who say there's nothing wrong with the gov't and always preach how much better we are than so many other countries,may want to look at things through whats going on.I served and fought for this country and believe me I was once the most GUNG HO Mutha on the planet but I can honestly say that I have been disgusted by what this country has become and is becoming with each passing day! Its not the country that is wrong guys,its the corrupt idiots running it! Theres nothing wrong or "un-American" with not believing in the bullshit that is being fed to us and want to fight back against it.FIGHTING against these kinds of things is what America and the Constitution is all about!!!

      The more shit like this is allowed to happen the more even greater shit will follow in regards to stealing away our freedoms and right's! You,me nor ANYONE is not OWNED by the gov't and should be allowed to make whatever choices you decide as long as those choices do not imfringe upon others rights! PERIOD!!! The gov't needs to stop trying to be big brother to all of us and let us run our own lives and own families and start going after things that really matter,like corruption in the gov't!!!!

      ****ing raw milk police!!!

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      Default Re: People getting busted for having raw milk

      Repulsed by raw: FDA, CDC lies about unpasteurized milk

      (NaturalNews) Raw milk is inherently dangerous, and the only way to make it safe for human consumption is to pasteurize it -- this popular mantra, in one form or another, is one that you may have heard someone say in response to the idea of drinking unpasteurized milk. And while many people still cling to this belief as absolute truth, it holds no basis whatsoever, scientific or anecdotal, in actual reality. And federal agencies like the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) continue to marginalize this health-promoting "superfood" by publicly repeating such lies against it.

      Both the FDA and CDC continue to allege that raw milk is dangerous and that it leads to disease, all while propagating the false notion that the only safe milk is pasteurized milk. They often cite seemingly-scientific numbers and data about outbreaks allegedly related to raw milk in defense of these claims, and many people eat up this misinformation without giving it a second thought. As a result, a general public bias against raw milk has been firmly established and in motion for many decades now, despite the fact that the parents and grandparents of many of those who today decry raw milk actually drank raw milk when they were growing up (and many lived healthy, vibrant lives as a result).

      Dispelling the myths and taboos surrounding raw milk is no easy task, as most of the "official" information coming from government sources is biased against raw milk. By continually denouncing the safety of raw milk and scaring the public with (false) statistics, the war against this wholesome food appears to be a success -- except for the fact that the truth is finally coming out, and increasing numbers of people are awakening and turning to raw milk for improved nutrition and better health.

      FDA, CDC manipulate statistics and lie about raw milk, conceal deadly truth about pasteurized milk

      In 2007, the FDA and CDC jointly issued a press release entitled, FDA and CDC Remind Consumers of the Dangers of Drinking Raw Milk. This report contains frightening statistics, which claim that between 1998 and 2005, there were 45 outbreaks, 1007 cases of reported illness, 104 hospitalizations, and two deaths "associated" with the consumption of raw milk.

      Sounds scary, right? Well, it might be if the figures were actually true. The report cites an issue of the CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report from March 2, 2007, as the source of this data. But a quick look at this cited report reveals that the numbers used by the FDA and CDC in their own report do not even exist.

      See for yourself at the following CDC link, which contains information about an illness outbreak that the agency blamed on raw milk but that contains none of the figures cited by the FDA and CDC in their joint announcement:
      <I>Escherichia coli</I> O157:H7 Infection Associated with Drinking Raw Milk --- Washington and Oregon, November--December 2005

      You might be asking: what about other agency documents; do they contain the data? Try performing a search for yourself. You will be unable to find any trace of data that supports the data found in the joint agency report. And since neither agency has been willing to address requests for clarification about the actual source where the data can be found, there is no other option but to assume that they simply made it all up in order to perpetuate the culture of bias and stigma against raw milk.

      "This is an excellent example of government bias against raw milk," stated Sally Fallon, President of the Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF), in 2007 just after the joint agency anti-raw milk report was released. Her organization, which promotes the consumption of clean, raw milk obtained from healthy, grass-fed cows, has yet to get a response from the government agencies about where their data was obtained.

      "FDA and CDC have provided not a single reference to support the claim of widespread illness from raw milk during the seven-year period," she added.

      Illnesses 'associated' with raw milk do not mean raw milk is to blame; in most cases, conventional meat, produce, and even pasteurized milk are to blame

      While there are documented cases of illness that may have involved raw milk products, many of these are used to automatically blame raw milk, even when it is later determined that something else was the true cause. And even after raw milk is vindicated, the FDA and CDC often use the data to blame raw milk anyway.

      In reality, conventional produce, meat, eggs, seafood, and even pasteurized milk are all implicated in far more illness outbreaks and cases than raw milk, and yet this inconvenient truth is routinely buried by the FDA and CDC. Even if the bad data that the agencies use to indict raw milk is used, it is still a far safer food product than most other food products that Americans consume.

      Assuming for a moment that the statistics cited in the joint FDA and CDC report are accurate (which, of course, they are not), the number of outbreaks and illness cases associated with raw milk is still a mere fraction of the number of confirmed illnesses and outbreaks caused by other foods.

      The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) put out a report a few years ago on outbreak and illness cases that occurred between 1990 and 2004. During this time, there were 639 reported outbreaks and 31,496 reported illnesses caused by produce, which represents 38 percent of all foodborne illness cases. Poultry was responsible for 541 outbreaks and 16,280 illnesses, representing 20 percent of all foodborne illness cases.

      The list goes on to cite beef, eggs, and seafood, all of which are implicated in causing far more foodborne illness cases than even the most inflated and fictitious raw milk illness statistics. And yet the FDA and CDC have never once issued warnings or "reminders" about not eating any of those foods.

      Then, there is the issue of pasteurized milk, which according to WAPF is responsible for causing hundreds of thousands of illness cases throughout the past several decades, and several hundred deaths. The single largest Salmonella outbreak, in fact, which sickened over 200,000 people and killed 18 people in just a few months, was caused by pasteurized milk, not raw milk.

      Wake up, America! Your government has an agenda against raw milk

      Regardless of whether or not you personally drink raw milk, this issue represents a much bigger culture of lies that permeates the US government. By continuing to lie about raw milk -- which is far more nutritious than pasteurized milk when derived from clean, grass-fed cows -- and to censor the cold, hard truth about the much more severe dangers of the rest of the food supply, the FDA and CDC are ultimately perpetuating a culture of sickness and death.

      This pattern of deception -- which concerns not only raw milk, but also other raw, whole foods and nutritional supplements -- is killing America, and it must stop. A great way to do this is to continue spreading the truth about raw milk, and its many life-giving properties -- properties that do not exist in pasteurized milk, by the way --, and exposing the lies of the government in the process.

      WAPF has compiled an extensive report about the anti-raw milk conspiracy that contains many more detailed cases and information than has been revealed in this article:

      Also, be sure to check out the WAPF website to learn more about the health benefits of organic, grass-fed raw milk and about how this complete food can help change your life:

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      People getting busted for having raw milk

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      Default Re: People getting busted for having raw milk

      On the scale of harm to the public, the actions of the FDA and the pharmaceutical industry are legendary. Over 100,000 Americans are killed each year by FDA-approved drugs, and yet there's absolutely no action whatsoever being taken to arrest the CEOs of the drug companies who knowingly sell dangerous drugs that kill people.

      Where are the arrests of the CDC officials who pushed useless flu vaccines, knowing that they, too, would cause neurological destruction and even death in some children?

      Where are the arrests of the food company executives who knowingly lace their products with MSG, aspartame, sodium nitrite, hydrogenated oils and other poisons that promote degenerative disease?

      How about the crackdowns on the evil GMO corporations that have unleashed genetic pollution across our planet in their greedy quest for profit at the expense of life on Earth?

      No, the great police state government that now runs America doesn't bother the real criminals who get away with murder every single day by poisoning the food, the medicine and the crops. They all have legal immunity because the system won't bother dealing with their large-scale crimes. Instead, the power of the corrupt police state is exercised against small, local farms and food businesses which remain the only option through which everyday people can find real food that isn't artificially modified or contaminated with chemical additives.

      What we witnessed at Rawesome Foods yesterday was an act of government-sponsored terrorism leveled against a health food buyer's club with the sole intent of destroying food. It's as if we're all watching an Orwellian BOOK BURNING!

      Except they weren't burning books; they were pouring raw milk down the drain and destroying up to $50,000 worth of wholesome, organic, farm-fresh food. Keep in mind this is happening at a time when starvation is on the rise in America -- and our own government is running around DESTROYING FOOD!

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      Default Re: People getting busted for having raw milk

      Now we have corrupt and greedy corporations , paying off government agencies to wipe out the competition, even if it means using Natzi tactics.

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      Default Re: People getting busted for having raw milk

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      Default Re: People getting busted for having raw milk

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      • People getting busted for having raw milk
      • People getting busted for having raw milk
      • People getting busted for having raw milk
      • People getting busted for having raw milk
      • People getting busted for having raw milk
      Quote Originally Posted by FUZO View Post
      AMEN BROTHA!!! Sad it is to say,the only thing that would be a solution is a revolution!! There is just too many corrupt politicians getting paid off by the corrupt corporate America to fix all the problems with this system! The system we have REWARDS these types of corruptions and in fact encourages more to follow suit.

      And im so tired of hearing people say......."HEY I NEVER HEARD OF A POOR PERSON CREATING JOBS AND HIRING PEOPLE SO WHY SHOULDN'T THE RICH GETS MORE BREAKS THAN THE WORKING CLASS"??? That sounds nice but unfortunately un-employment has never been higher so I guess the rich aren't hiring too many either!! Also,with all the breaks and bail outs they get supposedly to "help" people and create those jobs,NEVER MAKES IT TO THE PEOPLE and the money ends up in THEIR POCKETS for their private jets and limo's and luxurious vacations and million $$ bonuses!!! Bonuses for causing the failure of a company????? I want that kind of deal!!!

      And with the ever increasing taxes being stolen from us each and every day supposedly to help fix things,how can the average person make it today??? And whats being fixed? I don't see shit getting fixed aside from the bank accounts of the ones in charge!!

      As I said before and say a million times,isn't it funny that our forefathers knew it was their GOD GIVEN RIGHT to fight against the evils of a tyrannical gov't and did so with pride and honor knowing in their hearts it was for the betterment of the country and more importantly the citizens of it!! Now today the gov't shits on us more than ever and takes from us more than ever and we all accept it and just follow along like the sheep that the gov't wants us to be?? And God forbid if you say anything about it,you're called "ANTI-AMERICAN" LMAO.Anti-American is sitting on your ass and letting the gov't screw over its citizens and ruin a once great nation!!

      The result of this corruption has deteriorated the moral fibers of this country and left homes empty of the much needed "PARENTAL GUIDANCE" our children need to grow into positive members of society and positive role models for future citizens and leaders of the country! Families having to work 3 and 4 jobs to survive leaving our kids to raise themselves or worse yet,the baby sitter who is most likely a product odf this now "normal" broken valued society.

      Its time to get off our asses and TAKE BACK YOUR FREEDOM and bring these core values back into our everyday lives!!

      Sorry for the rant guys but things like this piss me off as its pathetic to even have to think of the USA in this way! Many do now and thats why we are the laugh of the world!! Time to make them stop laughing and start evying us again!

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