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    Thread: McCain Bill Threatens Freedom

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      Default McCain Bill Threatens Freedom

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      • McCain Bill Threatens Freedom

      • McCain Bill Threatens Freedom
      • McCain Bill Threatens Freedom
      • McCain Bill Threatens Freedom
      • McCain Bill Threatens Freedom
      • McCain Bill Threatens Freedom
      • McCain Bill Threatens Freedom
      Emergency :

      Sen. John McCain has introduced a horrific bill, S 3002, the “Dietary Supplement Safety [sic] Act of 2010″ (DSSA) designed to end your access to high potency supplements by giving the bloated, corrupt and dangerous FDA MORE power to destroy supplement access. This bill is absolutely NOT to be confused with DSHEA, the Dietary Supplements Health and Education Act (1994), which says nutrients are food and, as food, you can have them in any form – and any amount – you like. If we allow DSSA to pass, we will be living – and dying – under something very much like the European Food Supplements Directive’s anti-supplement restrictions, implementing Codex Alimentarius’ dietary supplements and nutritional restrictions, to the “T” — effective as close to immediately as the Fraud and Death Administration can manage it. Listen to the Dr. Rima Reports as Dr. Rima interviews Sarah Schones, MD, a German Immunologist practicing natural medicine in Germany: . Food Supplements are going the way of the dodo in the EU. The US is clearly next unless we act now – in massive numbers, once for each member of your family, at


      Your legal right to access supplements and herbs will, quite frankly, be a thing of the past. As we predicted years ago, the end of the first decade of the new millennium was intended to be when we lost our Health Freedom. Will you let that happen?

      For several years, the Natural Soluitions Foundation has kept you abeast of the battle for our food, our health, our freedom, indeed, as we documented and discussed in our 2010 Health Freedom War Council last month, our very lives. We have predicted that the FDA’s Big Pharma Phriendly policies would bring Codex-style restrictions home to us as “safety” when, in fact, they are nothing short of health tyranny.

      Take away high potentcy nutrients, herbs and other nutritional aids and what do you have? Pharma triumphant and health freedom defeated — a total rout, and the end of the DSHEA freedoms we rely on. Since the unanimous adoption by Congress of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA) we have seen a blossuming of advanced, leading-edge, high potency nutrition sought out by hundreds of millions to achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle. We’ve warned these freedoms were under sustained attack. Senator McCaine has just escalated the attack.

      Once again, the Natural Solutions Foundation brings you the important stories — we warned you, within hours of McCain announcing his intent, that this was happening, https://vitaminlawyerhealthfreedom.bl...dshea-and.html.

      We call upon you to act now! By clicking here, https://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o...aign_KEY=26714, you are joining those who have acted upon this important information and have begun to awaken the public to this threat. It’s time to move to ACTION.

      Read more about this dangerous bill here - https://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=4608

      Here is the Action item which you must take now, once for each member of your family, IF you value your health, your supplements and your freedom.


      We are in active contact with our friends in Congress and with key opinion makers, seeking powerful alliances to stop the McCain bill and its companion “Food Safety [sic]” Bill, s510. It would appear that the ploy (you might call it a “conspiracy”) is to combine the two “Food Safety [sick] Bills into one, combining her worst features of each, of course.

      We will keep you posted as the story unfolds, but there is literally no time to wait or waste. This MUST be nipped in the bud so deeply that it never arises again! THIS IS WHERE PUSH BACK TURNS INTO TAKE DOWN!

      McCain: Pharma Tool, Globalist Fool. But, as foolish as he may be, his bill poses a major threat to you right now! [Question: if pro is the opposite of con, does that mean Congress is the opposite of Progress?]

      The only thing they listen to is numbers; we proved that when we Pushed Back with over 2.8 million emails, against the planned, mass, forced “Swine Flu” vaccine — and the threat evaporated. Let’s do it again! Let’s set a goal of 1 million emails to the Senate, 1 million emails to the White House and 1 million emails to HHS Secretray Seibelius, 1 million emails to the Senate “HELP” committe where the dangerous companion to McCain’s bill, S510, the (sic) “Food Safety Bill” has been stalled since our Push Back campaing in December, will be joined shortly by this latest assault on our freedom.

      That’s a lot of emails, right? Well, our email system allows you to send an email to your Senator, Pres. Obama, Sec. Sebelius and HELP committe chair Harkin with one click of your freedom mouse.

      Further more, take the action once for each member of your family and pass it along to everyone you know who uses, has used, or might some day use supplements. That’s how we can make this Push Back effort go viral and become effective Take Down!

      We need to innundate the Senate HELP committee, since Tom Harkin said in November, in response to the over 150,000 emails that we generated in one weekend, that “DSHEA … governs the law here, not Codex standards…” and that the provision in S510 allowing FDA to “make recommendations including whether to harmonize with Codex does not signal any intent to move in a different direction on DSHEA…”

      Now it’s time for Senator Tom Harkin to keep that pledge and stop the McCain Anti-DSHEA Bill!

      See: https://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=4014 for Senator Harkin’s comments.
      See: https://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=4608 for the dangerous terms of the McCain bill.

      Emergency #3:

    2. #2
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      Default Re: McCain Bill Threatens Freedom

      McCain is a progressive as I have always said. I would not ever want this man as President. If this bill passes it will kill a vast amount of jobs in the country and shut down businesses. They just don't get it do they? Stay the heck out of our lives. Government does NOT know better for us than we do. This pisses me off. Retire McCain! I hope he loses the election.
      Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master. George Washington

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      Default Re: McCain Bill Threatens Freedom

      god dont know what would have been worse...obama, or if mccaine would have won...we (repubs) need to pick someone alot better than him this next go around or it will be 4 more years of blowboma
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      Default Re: McCain Bill Threatens Freedom

      Quote Originally Posted by pigmeat View Post
      god dont know what would have been worse...obama, or if mccaine would have won...we (repubs) need to pick someone alot better than him this next go around or it will be 4 more years of blowboma
      I think it is better to have Obama because as Glenn Beck pointed out on his show a while back, McCain would not have awaken the American people the way Obama has. McCain would have had support of most Republicans simply because he is a Republican, yet he is not a true Republican, but instead he is a progressive and might as well be a democrat. Actually, Republicans and Democrats are just a name, look to see who is a progressive and then watch out for them. McCain is a naked progressive. I do respect his military service and believe he is a good man who means well, but his policies are progressive and thus have no place in my perception of how government ought to be run.
      Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master. George Washington

      I do not condone the use of, nor do I use anabolic or androgenic steroids. My participation on these boards is for informational purposes only. I have done extensive research of AAS and enjoy discussing them for role playing enjoyment.

    5. #5
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      Default Re: McCain Bill Threatens Freedom

      Quote Originally Posted by JsJs24 View Post
      I think it is better to have Obama because as Glenn Beck pointed out on his show a while back, McCain would not have awaken the American people the way Obama has. McCain would have had support of most Republicans simply because he is a Republican, yet he is not a true Republican, but instead he is a progressive and might as well be a democrat. Actually, Republicans and Democrats are just a name, look to see who is a progressive and then watch out for them. McCain is a naked progressive. I do respect his military service and believe he is a good man who means well, but his policies are progressive and thus have no place in my perception of how government ought to be run.
      Excellent post. I totally agree. McCain is a ***** to the drug companies and the FDA, among others.

    6. #6
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      Default Re: McCain Bill Threatens Freedom

      Anyone that thinks THAT SCUM BAG BLOJAMA would be better then MCcain I have to think some screws are loose to think that.MCcain would of ran America with republican values and principles. You look at MCcains past and say this he has changed his ways many years ago on alot of his politica views. You all look back on what he used to be not what he is now. My god jsjs how in the world can you say america would be better off with that scum bag blojama in any way shape or form.Did you all forget the con job blojama did to america and how he lied to us but to say now he would of been better and know what he is now is pathetic. Just because glen beck pointed out something and says so that it will happen your smarter then that jsjs to beleive eveything glen beck says.Glen beck of all people.I like him but lets face it he's way out there

      And now that I see these articles dzone they are from blogs are you kidding me blogs

      2010 gambit to extend the attack to Dietary Supplements. If passed by the Senate, in any form, the Food Fascism Bill will guarantee the loss of clean, healthy food, high potency dietary supplements and independent farming in the US -- and the complete industrialization of the US food supply. Now the question is what will the Senate do

      I find this hard to beleive that congress would get rid of legal supplements that are healthy for you. this article dzone where did you find this at. did we all forget how congress votes first
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      Default Re: McCain Bill Threatens Freedom

      Quote Originally Posted by FUZO View Post
      Anyone that thinks THAT SCUM BAG BLOJAMA would be better then MCcain I have to think some screws are loose to think that.MCcain would of ran America with republican values and principles. You look at MCcains past and say this he has changed his ways many years ago on alot of his politica views. You all look back on what he used to be not what he is now. My god jsjs how in the world can you say america would be better off with that scum bag blojama in any way shape or form.Did you all forget the con job blojama did to america and how he lied to us but to say now he would of been better and know what he is now is pathetic. Just because glen beck pointed out something and says so that it will happen your smarter then that jsjs to beleive eveything glen beck says.Glen beck of all people.I like him but lets face it he's way out there.

      Surely you don't think I support Obama. He is the most pathetic president this country has ever had, but he is destroying the Democrat party and that indeed is a great thing for America.

      And now that I see these articles dzone they are from blogs are you kidding me blogs

      I find this hard to beleive that congress would get rid of legal supplements that are healthy for you. this article dzone where did you find this at. did we all forget how congress votes first
      Fuzo, I am pretty sure you completely misunderstood me. First of all, let me be clear and retract my paraphrase from Glenn Beck. I do like Beck but lately he has been off on some very strong views that I have. However, I was merely stating that he made a good point. I do not believe Obama is a better president than what McCain would have been. What I meant was that McCain would have governed with policies that are very progressive, but not as extreme as Obama. For instance, McCain supports global warming, which I strongly believe is a hoax for the government to gain more power and money. All I was basically trying to convey is that McCain would have gotten away with a progressive agenda, whereas Obama will not because the Republicans are watching him like a hawk. Basically, I think in the end it is a good thing Obama got elected over McCain because it has awaken the American people and made them become more aware of politics and socialism. Thus, the American people are turning on Obama and voting out all of the incumbent Democrats. Please understand my reasoning here Fuzo. It has actually been better for America to learn how radical Obama is, and once the Republicans take away the majority house and senate from the Dems, Obama will not be able to get anything passed. He will be an empty suit for the remainder of his presidency, and then will be voted out of office. You see, it has been a wake up call, that's all I'm saying, and one that was much needed. McCain would not imo have awaken the American people the way that Obama has because he is not near as extreme even though he is a progressive. I don't disrespect McCain, nor do I doubt his love for our country, but he is indeed a progressive, just not nearly as much as Obama. Would he have been a better president than Obama? Of course he would have, but again, he would not have awaken the American people the way that they needed to be.

      I will not use any quotes or anything from Glenn Beck again, I just thought he deserved the credit for pointing that out once on his show, and then I thought it over and realized he was dead on. It was no disrespect for McCain, and you can rest assured Obama did not get my vote either. I am an adamant Ron Paul supported because I champion the constitution and he seems to be the only one who does as well. In the end would I have rather had McCain for President had I been able to choose? Yes. But now that I have seen the wake up call that Obama sent to the American people I am content with the result. Had McCain won the election you would most likely have had a Democrat majority house and senate for several years, but now that will end.

      I assure you all of my screws are firmly in place..lol.
      Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master. George Washington

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      Default Re: McCain Bill Threatens Freedom

      Disclaimer: Steroid use is illegal in a vast number of countries around the world. This is not without reason. Steroids should only be used when prescribed by your doctor and under close supervision. Steroid use is not to be taken lightly and we do not in any way endorse or approve of illegal drug use. The information is provided on the same basis as all the other information on this site, as informational/entertainment value.

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      Default Re: McCain Bill Threatens Freedom

      Quote Originally Posted by FUZO View Post
      I find this hard to beleive that congress would get rid of legal supplements that are healthy for you. this article dzone where did you find this at. did we all forget how congress votes first
      FUZO, there are forces at work in this country that dont care about you staying healthy and having access to healthy supplements. It is all about money and profit. Greed. Drug companies stand to make Billions of $$$ if they can get supplements outlawed. They have been trying to do this for years and are not going to give up.
      This has everything to do with money and greed. Very sad.

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      Default Re: McCain Bill Threatens Freedom

      Ok, I wont say we are better off with Obama, because this president is a disaster. But it is very troubling to see Mccain being W H O R E D out by the drug companies. I would have thought he would be above this kind of nonsense. Its total BS. Its saying that we cant make smart choices for ourselves and need the government to hold our hands. Its saying that supplements do more harm than good and need to be controlled by the corrupt FDA and pharmaceutical industry.

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      • McCain Bill Threatens Freedom


      Disclaimer: Steroid use is illegal in a vast number of countries around the world. This is not without reason. Steroids should only be used when prescribed by your doctor and under close supervision. Steroid use is not to be taken lightly and we do not in any way endorse or approve of illegal drug use. The information is provided on the same basis as all the other information on this site, as informational/entertainment value.

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