You all know I am coaching football since 6 years now, right now I am midget AAA, it is the US version of 5 A HS football.

In quebec, we do have HS football but the calibre of the game is very weak, in our area we helped to start a football program, named "Les Loups". The head coach got the job as a teacher thanx to us, we put him there and he turned around and back stabbed us. He steals our players, alway complaining, he wants to close our teams, he lies to everyone, doesnt respect his commitement, what he signed etc..

Today these fuckers were practicing on our football field in March, when the snow is melting, this kills our field, and we are the one getting shit on by the city.

I request your help, email

and them tell you saw "Les Loups" on the field and it is normal that your son playing football cannot have access to the field until July and these "Loups" have all the rights.

Sheez, my team pays for the seeds and grass, cost us a fortune

email them and complaint


please dont use US, or somewhere else emails, use yahoo or hotmail or cyber.
