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    Thread: Some cancer docs say their income tied to treatments

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      Default Some cancer docs say their income tied to treatments

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      • Some cancer docs say their income tied to treatments

      • Some cancer docs say their income tied to treatments
      • Some cancer docs say their income tied to treatments
      • Some cancer docs say their income tied to treatments
      • Some cancer docs say their income tied to treatments
      • Some cancer docs say their income tied to treatments
      • Some cancer docs say their income tied to treatments
      Some cancer docs say their income tied to treatments
      NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - A survey of cancer doctors finds that some believe they get paid more when they administer their patients' chemotherapy and other drugs, raising concerns about conflict of interest and the potential for overtreatment.

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      Default Re: Some cancer docs say their income tied to treatments

      Maybe some day they will get over the greed and actually start curing sick people instead of poisoning them more

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      Default Re: Some cancer docs say their income tied to treatments

      Of course it is!! That why the govt doesnt want to rid the world of cancer! Too much money in it being around!! The govt and big business are one in the same.How much money can they squueze out of the working mans pockets while us all blind to it!!

      Like those threads I posted on the many "NATRUAL" treatments and CURES for cancer that never makes it out to the mass media.They dont want people learning that we have been getting fuked for decades now.

      Its the same idea as it being illegal to buy prescription meds from Canada because its cheaper! ILLEGAL TO SAVE MONEY OF SCRIPTS THAT THEY ARE TOLD THEY NEED??? Now that presents a whole other problem being there are many natural remedies for many things that they hide just to make money on doping you up with meds BUT then when you try to buy them and save money you can be arrested or fined by your own gov't???


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      Default Re: Some cancer docs say their income tied to treatments

      er, guys, the whole american medical system of fee for service is why our system is so much more expensive than other countries. But if we get rid of it, the GOP crys socialized medicine. Doctors in this country are rewarded for procedures.

      An internist gets paid more for doing a skin biopsy than spending an hour figuring out why a patient in the ICU is crashing and having seizures because he has typhoidal tuleremia.( The latter takes 6 weeks to grow out on culture so you have to diagnose it clinically before then). But then, cognitive puzzle solving has always been rewarded less than taking out a ruptured appendix. However, it doesn't mean I'm going to do unnecessary skin biopsies , but you get my drift. Now you see why most medical students with 250 grand in student loans want to be a dermatologist and not an internist. With that said, most doctors will try to do what is best. A sign of a great surgeon is not just his skill in surgery, but knowing when not to do surgery. That's not something you can learn on the internet. In fact, surgeons with great statistics are good at doing lots of those procedures and choosing less risky patients. That's where you family doc or internist comes in.

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      Default Re: Some cancer docs say their income tied to treatments

      Quote Originally Posted by bandaidwoman View Post
      er, guys, the whole american medical system of fee for service is why our system is so much more expensive than other countries. But if we get rid of it, the GOP crys socialized medicine. Doctors in this country are rewarded for procedures.

      An internist gets paid more for doing a skin biopsy than spending an hour figuring out why a patient in the ICU is crashing and having seizures because he has typhoidal tuleremia.( The latter takes 6 weeks to grow out on culture so you have to diagnose it clinically before then). But then, cognitive puzzle solving has always been rewarded less than taking out a ruptured appendix. However, it doesn't mean I'm going to do unnecessary skin biopsies , but you get my drift. Now you see why most medical students with 250 grand in student loans want to be a dermatologist and not an internist. With that said, most doctors will try to do what is best. A sign of a great surgeon is not just his skill in surgery, but knowing when not to do surgery. That's not something you can learn on the internet. In fact, surgeons with great statistics are good at doing lots of those procedures and choosing less risky patients. That's where you family doc or internist comes in.

      The point of this article though is about how many doctors are absusing their patients and the system to make a $$.IMHO anyway,I truely believe treating somome for cancer with something thats CAUSES cancer ,radition is ridiculaous anyway and thats why so many dont take to it.Im just wondering hwta you think of all the natural treatments and even cures for cancer that so many have received and are receiving in place of chemotherapy? Not sure if you've seen the vieos ive posted on hese very things with mri's and medical records proving that these treatmens work? If not check them out and give us your opinion on them.Your knowledge on such things is definitely a plus as to why or why not more people should look to THESE treatments first.

      Maybe im getting off topic a bit but unfortunately the medical community has become more of a big business money maker ,especially prescription meds that are being shoved down too many peoples faces from reco's from their dr's ,instead of actually trying to help people naturally first.

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      Default Re: Some cancer docs say their income tied to treatments

      I see your point and it's really several different problems

      . I am pointing to the most correctable One is the fee for service that exists in our reimbursement system. There will always be doctors that game the system. It's not just cancer. When a radiologist recommends MRI of your liver without contrast because they aren't 99.99% sure the cystic lesions in your liver found on ultrasound is benign ( the ultrasound makes them 95% certain) , is it because they really need the MRI or because that radiologist is about to be reimbursed 5 times more? Both the ultrasound and MRI confers no radiation so no harm to the patient except their wallet. ( I argue with them all the time)

      By the way, doctors get absolutely no kickbacks from pharmaceutical companies for prescribing their drugs. Now with the healthcare reform bill, i can't even get a friggin pen.

      I have great respect for natural remedies ( afterall, Tamoxifen , a great breast cancer drug is from the Yew tree found in south america where the a medical anthropologist was reasearching why these women's breast cancers shrunk without western medicine). As an ex-chemist, I respect the man made pharmaceuticals....type I diabetics would be dead within ten days without insulin and organ transplant recipients would die without antirejection drugs.

      I also practice medicine. If I don't give a patient who has had a heart attack a statin and a beta blocker and you have another heart attack within weeks, you can successfully sue my ass, no contest, because the secondary prevention data is much too strong. Now, when it comes to primary prevention of heart attacks, that's where I respect the nutritionists, the dieticians, etc. If a patient with HIV comes in with PCP pneumonia and I don't treat with bactrim and steroids and I try natural herbs , he dies, once again, no court or fancy lawyer could defend my ass.

      With that said, we don't reject non -pharmaceutical remedies. ( for instance, phase 4 clinical trials show swallowing an aliqout of pig whipworm confers 70% remission rate for crohn's disease compared to 30 % remission done by the 10 grand a year Humara shots. ). ( It has to do with hominid's coevolution with intestinal parasites , the latter produce ES-62 protein that downregulates type II immunity involved in crohn's disease...but sorry, I am in my professor mode). We now promote breast feeding because of data showing how healthy it is for the offsprings, and we doctors don't get any kick back for that.

      As for natural remedies, we have to have very very strong data I don't discount it but I have to see double, blinded, placebo controlled trials with more than 1000 subjects ( 1000 is minimal to show efficacy or non-efficacy).

      My twin , at 35 yrs of age had Her2 positive, estrogen receptor negative breast cancer with 2 lymph nodes positive. Honestly, there was no data, none, for any natural cure for such an aggressive cancer. She underewent the genetic testing that showed it would be susceptible to the chemo she got ( yes we can genetically determine if cancer cells will respond to chemo or not) . 10 years later, she is healthy and has had two successful pregnancies starting at the age of 40. The irony, she was vegetarian, ate organic, had normal sleep hours ( unlike me) and also excercised ( she used to be a lifegaurd and swims 5 hours a week) and took lots of herbs and vitamins. With the exception of the excercise, my life choices are not as healthy as my sister..yet she got the cancer.....strange....

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      Default Re: Some cancer docs say their income tied to treatments

      I worked at a Cancer Center for 6 years and there were several docs that would treat patients even if they could not addord it. I guess I worked for a great group that really did care about their patients and helping people.
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      Default Re: Some cancer docs say their income tied to treatments

      In my long tirade, I forgot to agree with you about the money making industry of big pharma. We need to look for non drug alternatives and I believe we are starting to go that way as we do studies showing how the DASH diet is as good as a medium strength blood pressure medicine, or how the Mediterranean diet protects against dementia and heart disease etc. As for natural alternatives, we have to find ways to fund studies that can give us the power and quality of that being funded by drug companies. Regarding the latter, it is why i only trust clinical trials with drugs conducted in countries with socialized medicine or funded by the NIH ( government) because you have to look at clinical trials funded by big pharma as potentially suppressing negative data and inflating positive data. THe NIH or say Canada, has no vested interest in seeing if Pradexa prevents more strokes than it's cheaper alternative, warfarin in those with atrial fibrillation.....

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      Default Re: Some cancer docs say their income tied to treatments

      Quote Originally Posted by bandaidwoman View Post
      I see your point and it's really several different problems

      . I am pointing to the most correctable One is the fee for service that exists in our reimbursement system. There will always be doctors that game the system. It's not just cancer. When a radiologist recommends MRI of your liver without contrast because they aren't 99.99% sure the cystic lesions in your liver found on ultrasound is benign ( the ultrasound makes them 95% certain) , is it because they really need the MRI or because that radiologist is about to be reimbursed 5 times more? Both the ultrasound and MRI confers no radiation so no harm to the patient except their wallet. ( I argue with them all the time)

      By the way, doctors get absolutely no kickbacks from pharmaceutical companies for prescribing their drugs. Now with the healthcare reform bill, i can't even get a friggin pen.

      I have great respect for natural remedies ( afterall, Tamoxifen , a great breast cancer drug is from the Yew tree found in south america where the a medical anthropologist was reasearching why these women's breast cancers shrunk without western medicine). As an ex-chemist, I respect the man made pharmaceuticals....type I diabetics would be dead within ten days without insulin and organ transplant recipients would die without antirejection drugs.

      I also practice medicine. If I don't give a patient who has had a heart attack a statin and a beta blocker and you have another heart attack within weeks, you can successfully sue my ass, no contest, because the secondary prevention data is much too strong. Now, when it comes to primary prevention of heart attacks, that's where I respect the nutritionists, the dieticians, etc. If a patient with HIV comes in with PCP pneumonia and I don't treat with bactrim and steroids and I try natural herbs , he dies, once again, no court or fancy lawyer could defend my ass.

      With that said, we don't reject non -pharmaceutical remedies. ( for instance, phase 4 clinical trials show swallowing an aliqout of pig whipworm confers 70% remission rate for crohn's disease compared to 30 % remission done by the 10 grand a year Humara shots. ). ( It has to do with hominid's coevolution with intestinal parasites , the latter produce ES-62 protein that downregulates type II immunity involved in crohn's disease...but sorry, I am in my professor mode). We now promote breast feeding because of data showing how healthy it is for the offsprings, and we doctors don't get any kick back for that.

      As for natural remedies, we have to have very very strong data I don't discount it but I have to see double, blinded, placebo controlled trials with more than 1000 subjects ( 1000 is minimal to show efficacy or non-efficacy).

      My twin , at 35 yrs of age had Her2 positive, estrogen receptor negative breast cancer with 2 lymph nodes positive. Honestly, there was no data, none, for any natural cure for such an aggressive cancer. She underewent the genetic testing that showed it would be susceptible to the chemo she got ( yes we can genetically determine if cancer cells will respond to chemo or not) . 10 years later, she is healthy and has had two successful pregnancies starting at the age of 40. The irony, she was vegetarian, ate organic, had normal sleep hours ( unlike me) and also excercised ( she used to be a lifegaurd and swims 5 hours a week) and took lots of herbs and vitamins. With the exception of the excercise, my life choices are not as healthy as my sister..yet she got the cancer.....strange....

      Thank you very much for the reply and the feedback on this.

      Just to be clear with you,I dont blame the dr's as a primary casue for the failing system.I blame the system that pushes such things and allows more research to be done and made public on alternative remedies.There are as you stated,dr's that intentionally scam people but I think its because they are allowed and even encouraged to do so by the powers that be who are getting rich off such practices.

      Also,as you stated,IMHO prevention is the best way to live a long healthy life and being "PROACTIVE" instead or reactive once problems occur.

      Like I said,I would hope that you find some time to watch some of those videos from people who have used natural treatments and have remained cancer free with their medical records to prove it and what other doctors have to say about it.

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      Default Re: Some cancer docs say their income tied to treatments

      Quote Originally Posted by baby1 View Post
      I worked at a Cancer Center for 6 years and there were several docs that would treat patients even if they could not addord it. I guess I worked for a great group that really did care about their patients and helping people.
      Most doctors are that way, which is why so many free clinics, doctors without borders etc. have thousands of doctor volunteers working to treat people for free. Unfortunately, docs are humans and have bad apples.

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      • Some cancer docs say their income tied to treatments

      • Some cancer docs say their income tied to treatments
      • Some cancer docs say their income tied to treatments
      • Some cancer docs say their income tied to treatments
      • Some cancer docs say their income tied to treatments
      • Some cancer docs say their income tied to treatments
      • Some cancer docs say their income tied to treatments
      Quote Originally Posted by baby1 View Post
      I worked at a Cancer Center for 6 years and there were several docs that would treat patients even if they could not addord it. I guess I worked for a great group that really did care about their patients and helping people.

      There are absolutely good dr's out there and this makes me very happy to hear this from you.I wish all were like this.

      But like I always say,its not the dr's that are the problem,its the failing system that allows and encourages the bad.To me,its the same thing with police.I dont blame them,nor did I ever hate the police,they are people just doing their jobs.Its the system that makes the laws where the problem lies.Sure there are asshole cops but that doesnt mean all of them are bad.The laws that they are forced to enforce thats the problem.

      We NEED to change the system and the people will have to follow.Remember,locks only keep the honest man honest.A thief is going to steal if he wants it so we have to make better locks.

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