- Please tell us something about yourself: where and when were you born and places you lived. Where do you live now?
Many people are always intrigued by my name or what it stands for. I get a balance of good reactions and bad reactions for example, “your parents should have never named you that because it belongs to Jesus”, “that’s a weird name”, “that must make you feel Holy”. I was born in a Naval Hospital in Long Beach, CA and a few months later my father was stationed in Germany and then transferred to England where I lived till I was 5yrs old. I attended kindergarten at a private Catholic school where the School Master banned my name from being pronounced. One day I said my name so I had to report to the School Master for punishment and Nunn told me to stick out my hand so she could swat the back of my hand with a wooden ruler. From that moment on I never used my first name until I attended High School.
