Hey all - newbie here, very nice board, good info and forums here-

Im gonna post up these pics later but maybe you can help me now by description- I see many QV "experts" here, which is what brought me by here, now that i read some of the board i likes and will post often-

Im really scared to do this stuff as i had surgery recently and wanna take my first cycle in 3 years to get me back on track - i dont want to set myself back further so if u bros can help me figure this out it will be greatly appreciated-

I have QV Deca, Enant, EQ, and Anavar...

The EQ i think is fake, its the only one out of the 4 items that the hologram peels off leaving no "hexagons" behind, all the others do leave stuff behind- also the vial cap says "flip off", does not have a"QV" logo like my other gear - obvious fake right? The label also has different, more square edges than the rest of the gear which has more rounded edges.

also the Deca and anavar have a different Tel/Fax number on the box and bottle than the EQ and enanthate do, did QV change phoen numbers lol or what does this mean, is there a logical reason for this (QV doesnt even have their phone # on their website to check this out)

and the enanthat 250 I have has a pic of a dog on the box and bottle, but on QV's website there is no animal on the box they show?

anyone see alot or any fakes of these 4 items recently and what else can i look for/test to knwo for sure (besides the jig it in ur glute test!)

all lot #'s/exp dates match the QV site, they were shrinkwrapped, and the lot/exp's are stamped on - but these things tell you absolutely nothing IMO as any scammer can copy this info right off a good bottle or website

thanks in advance