weight-gain shake essentials

In order for a weight-gain shake to be effective, there are some essential nutrients you need to have present. The exact amount of nutrients is going to depend on when you're ingesting the shake as you’ll have changing needs throughout the day.

Immediately before or after your workout you will want to prepare a shake consisting primarily of protein and fast-digesting carbohydrates, while later on in the day you should have a better balance of protein, slow-digesting carbohydrates and healthy fats to provide nutrient-rich calories.

Here are some staple sources for your low-cost weight-gain shake recipes to always have on hand, divided by macronutrient value.


  • Whey protein powder
  • Pasteurized liquid egg whites (do not separate raw eggs and drink the egg white)
  • Skim milk powder

  • Gatorade powder
  • Raw oats
  • Graham cracker crumbs
  • Dextrose (available in some grocery stores)
  • Fresh, canned or frozen fruit
Dietary fat

  • Peanut butter
  • Flaxseeds
  • Flaxseed oil
  • Coconut oil
By using various combinations of these ingredients, you can create a power-packed weight gainer that contains the exact mix of macronutrients and calories that you need to fit into your diet plan.

We have some great low-cost weight-gain shake recipes for you to try...

Here are a few low-cost weight-gain shake recipe ideas to get you started:

Choco-Peanut Butter Shake

3 ice cubes
1 cup skim milk
1 scoop chocolate whey protein powder
2 tbsps natural peanut butter

Crush ice cubes slightly with a blender. Add in the milk and chocolate whey powder, pulsing to blend. Finally, add the peanut butter and blend until desired consistency is reached.

Peanut Butter Banana Power Shake

1 cup skim milk
4 tbsps skim milk powder
¼ cup raw oats
2 bananas
3 tbsps peanut butter

Place the milk, skim milk powder and raw oats in a blender and mix. Add in the bananas and peanut butter, continuing to blend until desired consistency has been reached.

Pre-Workout Berry Shake

1 scoop of berry-flavored whey protein powder
1 cup of orange juice
½ cup of fruit-flavored low-sugar yogurt
1 cup frozen berries
2 tbsps skim milk powder

Blend together the whey protein powder, orange juice and fruit-flavored yogurt. Add in the frozen berries and skim milk powder, blending until desired consistency has been reached.

Banana Creme Breakfast Smoothie

1 cup skim milk
1 scoop vanilla whey protein powder
2 tbsps skim milk powder
2 frozen bananas
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 tbsps flaxseeds or flaxseed oil

Blend together the skim milk, vanilla whey protein powder and skim milk powder. Add in the frozen bananas and blend until smooth. Stir in vanilla extra and flaxseed oil, serving once mixed.

Mocha Morning Wake-Up Shake

6 oz water
6 oz cold coffee
1 scoop chocolate protein powder
½ scoop vanilla protein powder
1 oz dextrose
4 ice cubes

Blend together water, cold coffee, chocolate and vanilla protein powder, and dextrose. Add in ice cubes and pulse until desired consistency has been reached.

Pina Colada Smoothie

1 cup skim milk
1 scoop vanilla protein powder
3 tbsps skim milk powder
1 tbsp coconut milk or 1 tbsp coconut meat
1 frozen banana
½ cup pineapple
1 ice cube

Blend together the skim milk, vanilla protein powder, skim milk powder, and coconut milk (or meat). Add in the frozen banana, pineapple and ice cube and pulse blend.

Orange Fizz Protein Shake

1 cup orange juice
1 scoop vanilla protein powder
3 tbsps skim milk powder
1 cup mandarin orange slices
1 tbsp flaxseed oil
1 cup diet orange soda

Blend together orange juice, vanilla protein powder, skim milk powder, orange slices, and flaxseed oil. Once blended, stir in diet orange soda and serve.

shake it up

So, keep these weight-gain shake recipes in mind next time you’re looking to up your calories while remaining cost-effective. You can also always double up on many of the ingredients in these shakes to help boost their calorie totals as well.