Hey bros, this is my 3rd cycle and I am taking 100mg test prop EOD and winny 50mg. ED. My BP has slowly been rising and is now 145/80 and is usually 135/80. I am on my 4th week. I have a bottle of liquidex from liquidresearch I got a while ago and also have nolva from CNW. I want to take the anastrozole but am afraid with the winny it will mess up my lipid profile even more, I heard winny is hard on cholesterol. Would it be best for me to fork out the cash and get a bottle of aromasin? I am realy not having any other estrogenic sides except for high BP, I mean no puffy nips. I know estrogen is good for mass gain so do you think maybe I should skip the AIs and go for just a diuretic? Maybe a Potassium-sparing one or Thiazide?