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    Thread: Cycle complete. My results.

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      azlifter's Avatar
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      Default Cycle complete. My results.

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      • Cycle complete. My results.
      • Cycle complete. My results.

      • Cycle complete. My results.
      • Cycle complete. My results.
      • Cycle complete. My results.
      • Cycle complete. My results.
      • Cycle complete. My results.
      • Cycle complete. My results.
      This cycle is complete. 11 weeks long. A bit longer then planned originally but due to scheduling conflicts the cycle grew by a week. Feb I was 260-265 lbs. 5/11 and 27 years old.

      Diet was pretty clean. 1500-2500 cals a day. 200 gs of protien a day. Vitamin and supliments where standard issue. Used Xenadrine though out. Found for me the X helped with energy.Started Clen with this cycle but noticed nothing even at 6 pills a day. Learned it was fake.. Doh.. Cant win...

      4-5 days in the Gym a week which consisted of 20-40 minutes of cardio a day and 1.5 to 2 hours of weight training. Heavy weight and low reps. Failing on 6 or 8. Later in Cycle I switched to Gym every other day and for some reason I found this was producing better gains and allowing me to lift harder/more weight. Body might have needed more rest then I was originally told it would.

      Ran Decca 300 the entire cycle at 350MG a week. Ran Winstrol starting 2 weeks in at 4CC's a week split over the week and consumed 2 bottles until I ran out towards the end of the cycle. Also mixed in some EQ. Did not plan the EQ but obtained some and decided to mix in.

      Current stats: Again.. 5/11 27 years old. 218lbs now. Arms went from 15.0 inches to 17.7 inches.. Massive growth in my arms, back and probably my biggest gain was my traps. Chest is up 4 inches but feel my chest needs work still. Waste is down around 5 inches.. Dropped down 3 pant sizes and two shirt sizes. Bench has doubled. Back has trippled in strength. Curl is up nearly twice. Fly's went up an incredible amount. Nearly 5 times the amount of weight used.

      Personal opinions:

      Decca.. It hurts me. Not sure why but it does.. It always lumps up and causes me pain and hurts my work out in that muscle. Ended up taking most of it in my triceps and I wonder if thats why they have grown so much. I could take the full inject in my tri but if I tried my thigh or glute it would be worse. Held a ton of water weight on Decca. Had to use over the counter water pills called Taraxatone. They work great.. When i would notice some water gain by the scale I would use the Tarax and bingo it would be gone in a day. Highly recomended if you have water retention problems.

      Winstrol. The next day workout after using winstrol just seemed to be incredible. I seemed to have increased indurance and strength. In otherwords I would suprise myself at the gym with what I could lift and for how long. No pain what so ever.. Could not even tell I injected it.

      EQ. Strength again shot up when I added the EQ. Lifted the most during this time. Also got some joint pain around this time in elbows and shoulders. Coincedence? Dont know.. What I did notice about EQ is that I would get an incredible pump and hold that pump for sometimes hours. Real concerned the first week or two in.. For example.. If I worked Bi's real real hard they would be at full flex even at a rest for well over an hour after leaving the Gym. Muscles seemed to get super hard during this time. If someone touched me or grabbed my arm even hours after the Gym they would likely say "holy shit" in amazement on how hard that muscle was.

      On my after cycle.....Was told to wait a week or two before starting Nolvadex after my last inject of Decca. Also read that in a profile. Probably should have started the nolv sooner. Woke up with puffy nipples and lots of localized pain under my nipple. Had no access to my Nolv at the time. Scary stuff. Had to wait through a 4 day weekend in order to get back to it. By this time nipples where seriously sensitive. As in if anything brushed them I would cringe.. Started the Nolv the second I got back. 20MG a day. Seems to be a bit better but still have pain and puffyness. Only a few days in now. I wish someone would convince me that this will work out.. Nervous over here..

      Great gains and great body fat loss on this cycle.. Staying off for a while. Hitting the Gym hard and upping cardio to try to lose what I believe is about 15-20lbs worth of body fat left on me. Next Cycle will be down the road. I have am reasearching my next cycle now. If someone wants to suggest a cycle that would be great. Keep in mind I have had Some Gyno set in so A.S that has these effects might not be the best. Also water retention for me is big issue. I could hold 10 lbs of water in just 2 days. Want to cut up, lose the rest of this body fat which is proving nearly impossible to lose.


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      Just a couple observations...

      1) If I were you I would've injected the deca deep in the glutes using an 1 1/2" pin. I did this and had no trouble with lumps, etc.

      2) Kinda odd that you experienced joint pain while using deca. It usually lubricates the joints and blunts any 'would be' pain. I know I felt great training while on it. No aches or pains.

      3) I doubt you noticed the Equipoise one or two weeks in. It usually takes awhile to notice results as it's a long acting ester. You probably were feeling the deca starting to kick in (as I believe you started it prior to the EQ?).

      4) You can use nolva for PCT. However, I feel clomid would've been a better choice. In fact, I wish I had also used HCG (a small weekly amount) throughout my deca cycle to expedite the recovery process. Deca can really shut you down.

      5) Keep an eye on the breast tenderness. It could very likely be the beginning of gyno. If I were you I wouldn't touch deca again. Some people are very susceptible to the progesterone induced gyno deca can cause.

      6) Next cycle you might wanna add some test, a small amount at the very least, to compensate for your own natural test being shut down.

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      btw, nolva won't help much, if at all, in combating gyno caused by deca

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      I wont touch the deca again... Good advice. Should I get some Clomid? Whats the course of action now because my nipples are still tender 3 days in on the Nolva. Should I wait it out?

      FYI.. I did use 1.5 inch pinz and I injected them deep.. All the way in.. Still had trouble. Less pain for me using a 1.5 in my tricept. Friends called me nuts for doing that much and that size pin in my Tri but it worked better for me. Only the Deca caused pain. EQ and Winny where painless.

      Thanks for the tips guys!


    5. #5
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      if you have the beginnings of progyno, get a hold of some bromocryptine.

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      Gotta use the test with the Deca man! Also like said above you should have injected in the glutes. I'm doing that right now with the Organon deca and no pain what so ever and no lumps. Also looks like you could have done more research on the pct.

    7. #7
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      Mick.. As stated above.. I did inject in the Glutes.. That left me with a Golf ball sized lump for 3 weeks. I made a post about it. Tried diff pinz and diff brand Deca.. Same thing. maybe I am alergic? Who knows. what I ended up doing was half inject in one Tri and the other half in the other Tri.

      Understand the need for Test. Back when I started this nobody mentioned it to me on this board or other boards. I was told this is a good start cycle. I did alot of research on the PCT and according to board members here the main thing was to have the Nolva and start it 2 weeks after the last Deca. Also in the profile right here it says that.. I listened and here I am.

      So.. What should I do? Get ahold of some Clomid and start that? I have some tenderness this morning... Starting to get worried.. Need some help and some advice if you guys dont mind..


    8. #8
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      The best thing to do is up ur Nolva to 40mg ED instead of 20, and tapper off.

      Higher Nolva may/may not help ur gyno, but u still need a bit higher dose in my opinion for other reasons.

      Besides that, for ur gyno, up the nolva, see if u can get ahold of bromocryptine, and see how it feels 5 days after that. Keep us updated.
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    9. #9
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      These are 20MG's.. I just looked.. So on Monday night I took 40. On Tuesday morning I took 40 again.. This morning I took 20.. Was told I was wasting it so I went down.. Will up it tomorrow or take one tonight. Searching for bromocryptine.. Have no source.



    10. #10
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      Originally posted by leanandmean
      bro this isnt a flame but I doubt anyone on this board would tell you a cycle looks good without test go back and look at old threads I am willing to bet moiney 99% of advice given will say test should be the base of any cycle

      'nuff said.

    11. #11
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      PM's and emails from people.. It was not even talked about so its not like I asked and was told no.. It was not brought up until a post I made.. When It was posted that I needed Test I got some but then learned that was the wrong kind.

      The thing is guys.. I already posted that I understand that I needed test now. What more do you want me to say? Should I write "I am a dumby for not taking test with Deca" on the Chaulk board 500 times and take a picture? I swear some of you guys are so high horse its comical.. Why try to scold a guy rather then help him? Not to be a jerk or anything... But the point of the board is to help others and learn.. Not get scolded and treated like a child. Now get mad cause I voiced my opion or offer some friendly advice like some of the others have done.. The advice is greatly appretiated... Just trying to do things right to take care of this.


    12. #12
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      thanks man.. I seem to get scolded alot.. I have to remember that I am dealing with knowledgable guys. I just want to know what to do.. I was told get get Bromocryptine tablets.. I am thinking about getting some today. Should I start them? Anything else i should get or do? Need a list and a plan of action to stop this Gyno..


    13. #13
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      I did not start my cycle in Feb.. I was listing my stats and weight in feb... My cycle was 11 weeks long. Bottom line guys.. I was not told to take test until I was midway into the cycle. I got some. I also took Nolvadex 5MG every other day throughout as I was told that was enough. It did not work I guess.. Getting ready to make a trip..

      What else?


    14. #14
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      Clomid and bromo should both be easily attainable. Most research companies carry clomid. Bromo can be had from just about any legit online pharmacy.

      RU486 (the abortion pill) is the only other possible remedy (for the gyno). But it's hard to find, expensive, and we really don't know much about using it for our purposes. Andractrim cream (a topical DHT preparation) may help as well, but it too is hard to find.

    15. #15
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      • Cycle complete. My results.
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      • Cycle complete. My results.
      • Cycle complete. My results.
      the gyno is more than likely from bieng shut down so hard. not the deca! It is very common when you dont have any test in your body. That is why people have no trouble on cycle, then post cycle it hits them. Keep taking the nolva. 40 mg every day until symptoms disapear.
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