Saw Palmetto Hair Loss
by Kevin Little
Saw Palmetto for hair loss is a very effective remedy. It's always surprising to find naturally-occurring elements that aid in the treatment of certain afflictions. One tends to think, in these scientifically-heady days, that any cure worth using must have been dreamt up in a lab.

Not so in the case of natural hair regrowth. Saw Palmetto for hair loss works very well to keep hair loss under control and help hair follicles grow thick, healthy hair. In fact, it's so effective that it even outperforms some laboratory concoctions.

Saw Palmetto for Hair Loss: How It Works
Saw Palmetto extract has been to shown to be more effective in the prevention of hair loss than Finasteride, also known as the active ingredient in the popular hair-care drug ********. How can such a natural substance outperform the height of synthetic science? Actually, Saw Palmetto extract works the same way that ******** does.

Both of these hair regrowth products work to prevent hair loss by disabling DHT, which is responsible for hair loss in both men and women. Saw Palmetto extract just happens to do so a bit better than it's chemically-engineered counterpart. Keep Saw Palmetto extract on your list of active ingredients to look for in hair regrowth products.