This is my 4th cycle

Week 1 t/m 8 Test enanthaat 500 mg per week
Week 9 t/m 12 Test propionaat 100 mg EOD
Week 6 t/m 12 Winstrol 50 mg ED(1ste 11 days injects)
week 4 t/m 12 Trenbolone 75 eod
Week 1 t/m 10 primobolan 400 mg per week
Helios with eca stack

Week 13: 500 iu HCG, later in the week another 500 iu HCG

Week 14: 500 iu HCG, later in the week another 500 iu HCG

Week 14: 40 mg. nolvadex + 150 mg clomid
Week 15: 40 mg. nolvadex + 150 mg clomid
Week 16: 20 mg. nolvadex
Week 17: 20 mg. nolvadex

My stats: 1.72m 84kg bf 11%
1st cycle: deca-dianabol
2nd cycle: winny-clen
3th cycle: tren-sust

my last cycle was ended today, so I am going to begin this cycle 3 months after this cycle in May. I need some info about helios and also like your opinion about this cycle

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