How to Boil the Perfect Egg


Ok folks. Are you tired of peeling half the egg apart and losing most of it because the damm shell won't slide right off? Yes you are and so was I.

Here is what you need to do to remedy all your woes.

1) Fill up a pot with cold water. If you can't get past this part please stop reading. In fact I would be surprised at all if you are reading this now.

2) Add eggs. It's not Rocket Science.

3) Place on buner with lid on pot. The lid is very important here.

4) Use the highest setting you have and bring to a raging boil.

5) Once boiling immediantly turn the heat source completly OFF.

6) Leave eggs in the hot water (still on the stove you idiot) for at least 10-15 minutes. Longer is even ok.

7) Remove lid and take pan over to the sink. Watchout, it's still hot.

8) Add cold water to the existing hot water and let run for 15-20 seconds.

9) The water should not be cold enough to reach in a grab the eggs but the eggs will still be warm.

10) You can eat them now or eat them later. They should peel perfectly.

A little note in peeling an egg. It's best to crack the shell in small pieces by either rolling it on a counter or squeezing it in your hands so you have the most cracks in it you can get.