Senator McCain's real voting record (hint: It's not 90% conservative)


Here is McCain's voting record from the National Journal, along with those of other Republican Congressmen who were in the early races. It's broken down by year, and proves that McCain is not only not a hardcore Republican puppet, he has gotten significantly more liberal in recent years.

On page 2 of this pdf, it lists his Conservative ranking in the Senate:

Here are his rankings for the Bush years.
McCain was more conservative before this, especially before 1995,
but has become more and more liberal over the years.

2000 61.7% 41st most conservative in Senate
2001 66.8% 39th
2002 59.8% 45th
2003 62.2% 44th
2004 51.7% 49th*(*Tied with one other senator)
2005 59.2% 45th
2006 56.7% 46th
2007 no score

Lifetime 71.8 %
AverageAnd here is a chart showing the other Centrists in the Senate and how he compares to them:

So next time you hear an Obamabot spout the "90%" statistic, remember these facts and figures...