Here are a couple of things I have received today about them.

Regarding what I said about the polls being rigged, you need to know this. A new poll came out today in PA that had Obama leading by double digits (15%). My husband looked at the fine print and found the the poll was made up of 59% Dems and 31% Reps. That is a 28% gap! Don't believe the polls!

They are trying to demoralize us and have people not bother to go to the polls.

According to David Gergen last night on the debate commentary he indicated that there is a bias in the polling that is around 6%. He indicated that it came from a study (I think MIT but I am not certain) that revealed Obama’s support in the polls is actually 6% lower than the figures presented. CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS REVELATION ! I think it was on CNN following the debate because it had A. Cooper, J. Carville, P. Begala, G. Borger and a few others.

If this is accurate it means that the states that are 50-48 with Obama leading are actually 47-51 with McCain leading (or something other than the numbers pumped out via the MSM). Translation – the electoral college map that was showing a major lead by Obama just got cut out from the knees.