Ok bros i have a bone to pick at doctors. Here goes. My girl has been on birth control for the last 4 years but ive only been w/ herfor 5months but that is beside the point. She is geeting off the pill now and wondering why her period is all fucked up and her hormones are low. HMmm i wonder why? now to get a period the doc gave her progesterone. Wtf keep feeding her pills right.-------But anyways why are doctors so fukin easy to give out the pill and let them be on estrogen when most of us cant even tell the doctor were taking test or they wont treat us. What is going on in the world. None of this makes sense to me every girl i know has taken the pill for a long time and has tried to get off but with problems but they say testosterone for males will do this this and this and feed u a line of bullshit. Why cant they feed us test like in european countries for birth control.I just think that one day theyre gonna find out that being on birth control causes infertility in women cause their bodies are gonna be used to the estrogen after a while and not be able to produce enough to get pregnant. Doctors if any in here make some sense out of this for me and start doing more fukin research on stuff.