Well..this is my second post and i hate for it to be downbeat..But i just got a kidney biopsy report back last week...It all started when i was on cycle (100mg Fina ED) I came down with a wicked ass chest cold and was hacking all day every day 4 two weeks..Soon after I started retaining fluid Sub-q..I got on the scale and weighed 234 (at my biggest (and fattest) i was never over 220..I noticed my ankles and calves were tight and looked like elephant feet..Upon waking all the fluid was in my face and looked like i had been smacked with a 200lb anvil..By the end of the day the edema was up to my hips..At this point i called my friendly primary doc..he referred me to a cardiologist and a nephrologist..My BP was 190/95 (pretty high i would say) I was also passing 16 grams of protein in a 24hr period (reference range is 1.5g!!)..Fortunately my Bun was normal and my Creatinine levels were very slightly elevated..An EKG also revealed thickening in one heart wall...(But who DOESNT have this thats on a AAS regimen?).I beleive we call an athletic heart but anyways..Biopsy showed that i have Nephrotic Sclerosis basically the glomeruli (tubules of the kidney) are inflammed and my kidneys showed no significant damage and the condition usually clears by itself..Sounds good right all should be normal come time for summer and i can jump back on right??...Yeah Right...Doc put me on Prednisone>>***** Ass doctor gave me just the Dose i need to strip off all the gains i made in the last 3 months...On top of that my appetite is thru the roof and Im in a severely catabolic state...But thats the breaks..I brought this upon myself however ..I hypocrite I am not so i will no use AAS as the scapegoat..I was Eating McD's,White castle,pizza,fried chicken and Bacon egg and cheese ED or EOD also no cardio and mininmal and i mean MINIMAL water intake..Top that off with 4 caps of ephedrine ED...I asked for what i got....I knew better...So next time around gotta pay a little more attention to detail....

by the way Shout to Mike P.T. what up dawg its Hobbs...ill be postin alot now..so holla