If you catch the news daily you probably saw the 2 small boats getting pretty close to a couple of our Navy warships last week. The were so close they entered the wake of the ship. Well when our Navy tried to establish radio contact to advise the boats to back off, a voice came on the radio and said "I'm coming toward you...You will blow up in 2 minutes"... Well, at first they raised issue that it was Iranians. Then the Pentagon and Navy captains blew it off as this "filipino monkey" that's heckled the Navy over open radio waves for years.
I swear, our government sure had an open door to push and back the danger of Iran claims there, but instead steered clear of false pretense. A huge chance to "fear monger", as some say. Also as claimed in these forums by some as our governments primary tactical functioning way...hmm, odd by those standards.
Point out when you see our government in the act of "fear mongering", or in the act of setting up false pretense like so many claims that are always scattered about way after the fact. Because as you see, I point out the opposite. Like my other thread on the current situation in Iraq...shhh