U.S. Pleased With Korea Nuclear Agreement

WASHINGTON - The White House is pleased with North Korea's agreement to end its nuclear weapons program, President Bush's spokesman said Monday, while expressing caution about whether Pyongyang will make good on its promises.

"North Korea now needs to live up to the agreement," said White House press secretary Scott McClellan. "That means dismantling their nuclear programs and allowing for verification to demonstrate that it has ended its nuclear activities."

After two years of talks with the United States and four other nations, North Korea agreed Monday to stop building nuclear weapons and to allow international inspections. In exchange, the country will get energy aid, economic cooperation and security assurances.

Asked whether the United States can trust the North Koreans to carry out their promises, McClellan said: "That's why I said the implementation is going to be key, and we will see as we move forward."

In New York, State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said, "Our view is that this is a good statement. North Korea has made the decision to get rid of its weapons and all existing nuclear programs ... They've made the commitment to get out of the nuclear business."

McCormack, who accompanied Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to meetings at the United Nations, said the next step involves intensive consultations among the countries negotiating with North Korea over how to verify Pyongyang's progress and determine a timeline for implementing the agreement.
