ok guys heres the deal,
5 weeks into my 1st cycle. Weeks 1-4 i did mon,wed,fri,injections.
fri-50mg prop
All QV gear

so 400mg total per week. Used the prop as a little jump and it worked.4 weeks in i was up 15lbs and strenth was way up.

As soon a i dropped the prop im doing the 250mg enanthate shots every 4 days instead of once a week.
I upped the dose of enanthate because me and my friend felt it was really weak.
I want to finish strong with 3 weeks of prop. How should i take it?
I have 1000mg of it so i want to do 3 weeks at 300mg.
This should be good because 150mg total per week got me pumped as a muther fucker.

So now im on 450mg of enanthate a week.How should i switch ?
I want to finish the prop after the enanthate clears so i can time post cycle based on prop. Week 5 now and i want to switch at week 8.