This article is sponsored in part by The Chivas Brotherhood. AskMen & The Chivas Brotherhood's Man To Man features are designed to give readers insights into the experiences and wisdom that have shaped our top writers' passions for their areas of specialty. To get access to more insider information as well as exclusive access to invitation-only events and Scotch tastings, Join The Brotherhood Now -- you won't regret it.The self-help industry is so big it’s easy to think we’ve got a lot of problems. We’ve got some. I think the way we live now, in front of computers, makes us anxious, narcissistic and lonely. But the good news is there are ways to beat it by being conscious of what we do and how we behave. I think about it every day -- how to be a better son, brother, friend, athlete, writer -- and in my experience all those articles, books and talking heads don’t make a bit of difference unless we make the decision to see things through.Think you need a book called The Art of Kissing? You really just need to go out there and lick an ear or two and see what happens. When I quit my job to write I worked in a cheese shop and waited tables until things took off. Out there licking a few ears. That’s what my Better Man activities are all about. They're experiences and activities that require some effort and planning, are a little uncomfortable and don’t always go as planned but, in the end, offer up a great reward. Plus, you never have to talk to a guy with “kissing expert” on his resume. Continue Reading ]More...[/url]