She's been saying her throat was sore the last couple days, and it was very red the night before last. But then it looked okay yesterday, and she was acting like nothing was wrong. still saying her throat hurt now and hen, but I thought she was just saying that. Ya know how little ones are. Well, she woke me up around midnight whining and calling me. She was all stuffed up and you could tell something was wrong. I gave her just some regular children's Motrin cause I thought that's all we had. She just woke me up again, well around 2:30a.m. and I found the children's Tylenol Cold, thank goodness. So, now she's sleeping like a champ. I'm still up making this thread.

Mommy didn't feel good yesterday either. Our poor daughter is in bad shape though, I can tell from just her sitting up in bed for a few seconds and the noises she made right quick. She's got it bad. It sounds like it's down in her chest, and all up in her head too.

Man, that's all I need. I'm not down with the sickness.

Ya know something I noticed. 2 times now, I've heard people I work with from tiny town USA, get a shot of penicillin for their sickness. I know one was for strep. It's been...actually, I don't think I've ever heard of a doctor giving a shot of penicillin around here. I thought that was just what they did back in the old days. But they're still doing it in the (1 red-light) towns. Most docs now days just use the latest, greatest thing that the drug reps are pushin.