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    1. #1
      x|Fluid|x's Avatar
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      eating NO carbs is a very difficult thing to do. I suggest that she eat low carbs (under 100g) every day, including weekends.

      How many calories is she taking in every day, and what does her exercise regime look like?

      I dont know anything about her condition, and I'm not the best person to ask about weight loss. Maybe shoot a PM to the guy who lost 250lbs, I think his name is "pump Iron" or something like that.

      I wish her the best, I truly hope she can pull through this.

      x|Fluid|x is presenting REAL opinions and DOES encourage and condone the use of steroids or other illegal/legal substances that may be used in an illegal manner.


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    2. #2
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      Unfortunatly, I can't offer much more than my best wishes. One things for sure, I would be talking to another Dr. Good luck bro, I wish you and your mother all the best!!


    3. #3
      bigjim33's Avatar
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      t4 sucks.....i would tell her to talk to him about t3

    4. #4
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      I'm sorry, blm.. Fibromyalgia is a horrid thing to have to try to live with & your mom sure is fortunate to have you caring about her.

      Just outta curiousity, has she ever had a Lyme disease test?

      As far as her diet, it's not so much the low carb/high protein part of it that's not doing the 'trick'..
      She's not burning off what she's consuming..
      She is getting carbs on the weekend..

      Does she have a gym membership?
      If not, get her one at a gym that is very close by for her mother's day present..

      You're never too old to start strength training & will burn calories while she sleeps..
      A modest routine, working all her large muscles, will increase her skeletal muscle & bone density. Plus, she'd only need to go twice a week & do a cardio work out {stationary bike or treadmill} three times a week and the pounds will start to fall off of her.

      Have her meet with a trainer so they can give her a routine and teach her how to use the machines, if she doesn't already know.

      Exercise will help her energy levels & you really wanna give her something new to do.. so she doesn't become depressed.
      I know that exercise is the last thing people with fibromyalgia want to do because most don't feel like they can get up and move around due to their fatigue & pain..

      Those new 'space age' matresses would be something nice for her too!
      They're the ones that indent & fit the mold of your body when you lay on them

    5. #5
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      I know that eating "clean" all the time can surpress thyroid function, but too what degree Im not sure.
      From talking with Swolecat, and from his diet plan that he wrote me " L-Carnitine makes fat available to be used as energy, and with the ingestion of fat, the encouragement to let stored fat go is much more pronounced!"

      I wish your mother the best bro, and hope that things work out in the end for her

    6. #6
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      Well, I have heard of cases where people are put on high protein diets for other diseases & it's helped their symptoms.

      Since you've directly asked me for my opinion..
      Do I agree with it? Absolutely not.
      By restricting good carbs {don't confuse that with eating white rice over brown, etc..} your body is missing out on important micronutrients. Even if she's taking a multivitamin.

      While her physician may have her best interests {as far as her disease goes} at stake.. she's losing energy from not eating properly.
      He's neglecting to figure in the importance of warding off heart disease, colon cancer, diabetes, colds, etc..

      I eat for fuel.. so I understand your concern & I think you're right on target too

    7. #7
      jack hust's Avatar
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      looks like you got alot of advise so far so ill just say i wish your mother the best god bless

    8. #8
      goliath.jr's Avatar
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      My wife has a client with fibromyalgia. Since this woman started working out with my wife (about 2 years ago) her health has turned around 100%. When she first came to my wife, the doctors had her on 100's of pills a day. This woman could't even walk up a flight of stairs. Now she is taking less than half the meds she was on and can bound up several flights of stairs like it's nothing. My wife is a pilates instructor BTW...
      The burden of originality is one that most people don't want to accept. They'd rather sit in front of the TV and let that tell them what they are suppose to like, what they're suppose to buy, and what they're suppose to laugh at. You have Beavis and Butthead telling you what music you're allowed to like and not like, and you've got sitcoms that have canned laughter that lets you know when to laugh if you're too stupid to know when the joke is. People are too lazy and too stupid to think for themselves because America has raised them that way.

      mod @ superiormuscle.com

    9. #9
      OvEr JUicEd's Avatar
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      mY mother has the same disease she is a very large women now due to it and it has caused depression, thats the hardest thing to see is your strength getting weak I don't know that much about dieting. I just wanted to tell you to hang in there with. My mother works out with me weekly and has came along ways, just stay by her side as long as God permits you .

      much love to you an your mother

    10. #10
      goliath.jr's Avatar
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      Originally posted by blm9376
      goliath, what kind of diet does your wife have layed out for her?
      Moderate carbs, pro/fat are the usual. I really think it was my wifes determination to teach this woman that she could take control of her body again without all the pills that made the biggest difference. Pilates is an excellent form of exercise if done correctly, and my wife just used it to show this woman how strong she could become if she kept at it.
      The burden of originality is one that most people don't want to accept. They'd rather sit in front of the TV and let that tell them what they are suppose to like, what they're suppose to buy, and what they're suppose to laugh at. You have Beavis and Butthead telling you what music you're allowed to like and not like, and you've got sitcoms that have canned laughter that lets you know when to laugh if you're too stupid to know when the joke is. People are too lazy and too stupid to think for themselves because America has raised them that way.

      mod @ superiormuscle.com

    11. #11
      goliath.jr's Avatar
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      I wish I had an answer for you bro, I really do. I can't imagine seeing my mother go through that. I think the T3 idea is a good one. Also - you may not want to hear this, but the CKD approach is a good one if the refeeds are a little more controlled. I have a feeling that she was probably going overboard with her diet on the weekends. Maybe have her try limiting her refeeds to Saturday, or Sunday instead of both. If she overdoing it on the weekends, this could potentially negate any progress she mode over the course of the week.
      The burden of originality is one that most people don't want to accept. They'd rather sit in front of the TV and let that tell them what they are suppose to like, what they're suppose to buy, and what they're suppose to laugh at. You have Beavis and Butthead telling you what music you're allowed to like and not like, and you've got sitcoms that have canned laughter that lets you know when to laugh if you're too stupid to know when the joke is. People are too lazy and too stupid to think for themselves because America has raised them that way.

      mod @ superiormuscle.com

    12. #12
      goliath.jr's Avatar
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      I wish her the best bro...
      The burden of originality is one that most people don't want to accept. They'd rather sit in front of the TV and let that tell them what they are suppose to like, what they're suppose to buy, and what they're suppose to laugh at. You have Beavis and Butthead telling you what music you're allowed to like and not like, and you've got sitcoms that have canned laughter that lets you know when to laugh if you're too stupid to know when the joke is. People are too lazy and too stupid to think for themselves because America has raised them that way.

      mod @ superiormuscle.com

    13. #13
      Sachet's Avatar
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      So your mom is eating 3 square meals a day?
      I would have her change that immediately to eating 5 small mini meals.. it's the best way to keep your sugar levels on an even keel & keeps you from feeling hungry all the time.
      It takes a lil time to plan your weekly menu in order to cover consuming the proper amounts of vitamins through your food, but I would suggest she find a really really good book on vitamins & use it as a guide to cover all her weekly nutritional needs.
      It will be as though she's taking a class at first, but researching exactly which vitamins & minerals our bodies need turns up some rather fascinating lil tidbits about food & their healing powers.

      Read up on:
      *Daily Recommended Amounts of vitamins.
      *Which foods you need to eat in order to provide them in the correct amounts.

      I make copies of a small chart & keep it posted in my kitchen to check off daily.. all the fruites & veggies should be rotated to meet vitamin recommendations.
      Approximately half my total daily calories come from carbs & I eat to keep myself energized from 5:30 am - 10:30 pm. It works.

      *5 veggies
      *4 fruite
      *3 - 5 whole grain
      *2 calcium
      *8 water
      *1 bean
      *1 nut{s}
      *3 protein {fish 2 - 4 times a week Omega-3s}

      My concern about your mom's high protein diet was that she was being depleated of the other raw materials which are needed to produce neurotransmitters that play a role in regulating our energy levels..
      By fueling up on the right amount of vitamins & minerals through her food intake.. she will feel better. No question about it.

      Finding out simple things such as oranges/juice is very important to her because one study found that people who consumed at least 400mg of vitC a day reported feeling less fatigued than those who consumed less than 100mg.

      There could/might be a connection to Fibromyalgia being a predispositioned genetic thing.

      She very could have a mutation in the Leptin reception gene.
      Leptin {a hormone} comes into play once someone's gained weight &/if their homones have changed..
      Which would be her case, given her age & the fact that she may be at the beginning of menopause which means her hormones are changing & vunerable..
      The hormone Leptin is tied to a crucial pathway in fat metabolism in muscle..
      Basically, Leptin regulates food intake & how fat is metabolized once it's in the body.
      There's two paths of action; in fatty acid metabolism {a direct one on muscle} and an indirect one through the nervous system.

      I dunno.. it's so hard to call when you really don't know what a person is consuming..

      Midlife weight gain occurs in many species, suggesting that Leptin signaling is impaired at middle age. When Leptin is released by fat cells, it regulates body weight in part by suppressing your appetite.
      When Leptin levels in blood go up, the brain signals us to stop eating.
      As you gain weight, you develope more and larger Leptin producing fat cells than averaged weight people, meaning your Leptin levels increase substantially with every pound you gain.
      Once you have hit the point where you are considered 'very overweight or obese' by your physician's standards, Leptin has reached such a high level in your blood system that the brain becomes resistant to the Leptin signal.
      It doesn't appear to correct itself.

      I would get her back on a healthy balanced diet.
      Have her read up on what foods she needs to eat to cover her nutritional needs through vitamin books and give that a few months before doing anything else.

      Just one more thingy~
      Does she have a problem falling asleep or staying asleep?
      If so, she could use Amitriptyline or Fluoxentine {both antidepressants} at low doses to restore a normal sleep cycle for awhile..

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