GOP to Pelosi: Come Clean on CIA Allegations

House Minority Leader John Boehner put Speaker Nancy Pelosi on notice Tuesday that she has to answer for her claims that the CIA lied about her briefings on harsh interrogation.

As Pelosi arrived back on Capitol Hill fresh off a trip to China, the Ohio Republican told reporters that the GOP intends to keep the pressure on Pelosi, who has denied being told the Bush administration was using harsh tactics such as waterboarding on terrorist masterminds like Abu Zubayda.

"My colleagues and I are prepared to continue to press this issue until it is resolved," Boehner said, according to reports by Roll Call and Fox News. "It's as simple as that. It's not about anything other than the fact that the speaker made this outrageous statement."

"Ten days ago, Speaker Pelosi not only refused to back up her accusations against her intelligence professionals, but she actually stood by her comments that they repeatedly lied to her," he said. " Now, the speaker gets regular briefings from our intelligence professionals today. Does she still believe they are lying to her?"